Archive of past events of the site Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale
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"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #926 AprEstimating Social Preferences and Kantian Morality in Strategic Interactions Boris van Leeuwen (Tilburg University) Theoretical work suggests that a form of Kantian morality has evolutionary foundations. To investigate the relative importance of Kantian morality and social preferences, we run a laboratory experiment on strategic interaction in social dilemmas.En savoir plus"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #926 AprEstimating Social Preferences and Kantian Morality in Strategic Interactions Boris van Leeuwen (Tilburg University) Theoretical work suggests that a form of Kantian morality has evolutionary foundations. To investigate the relative importance of Kantian morality and social preferences, we run a laboratory experiment on strategic interaction in social dilemmas.
Midi de l'éthique "Qatargate : quelle éthique pour les lobbies … et ceux qu’ils influencent ?"25 AprLe Qatargate a remis en lumière combien nos institutions démocratiques, et celles de l‘Union européenne en particulier, sont constamment soumises aux pressions non seulement de leurs citoyens attentifs mais aussi de groupes représentant des intérêts particuliers, qu’ils soient ceux d’industries spécifiques, de syndicats, de groupes de pays, etc.En savoir plusMidi de l'éthique "Qatargate : quelle éthique pour les lobbies … et ceux qu’ils influencent ?"25 AprLe Qatargate a remis en lumière combien nos institutions démocratiques, et celles de l‘Union européenne en particulier, sont constamment soumises aux pressions non seulement de leurs citoyens attentifs mais aussi de groupes représentant des intérêts particuliers, qu’ils soient ceux d’industries spécifiques, de syndicats, de groupes de pays, etc.
Climate Ethics Workshop #221 Apr10:00-10:55 Pierre André (UCLouvain) & Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain) Controversies About Individual Climate Responsibility 10:55-11:50 Fausto Corvino (University of Gothenburg) Social-Cost Carbon Price vs. Target-Consistent Carbon Price: The Ethics at Stake 12:05-13:00 Éloi Laurent (Sciences Po Paris) The just transition, 30 years onEn savoir plusClimate Ethics Workshop #221 Apr10:00-10:55 Pierre André (UCLouvain) & Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain) Controversies About Individual Climate Responsibility 10:55-11:50 Fausto Corvino (University of Gothenburg) Social-Cost Carbon Price vs. Target-Consistent Carbon Price: The Ethics at Stake 12:05-13:00 Éloi Laurent (Sciences Po Paris) The just transition, 30 years on
Mich "The state of economics after the great empirical turn”18 AprMardi intime de la Chaire Hoove par Michel de VroeyEn savoir plusMich "The state of economics after the great empirical turn”18 AprMardi intime de la Chaire Hoove par Michel de Vroey
Midi de l'éthique "ChatGPT et les outils d’IA générative : hold-up sur travail intellectuel ?"28 MarL’émergence de ChatGPT marque un pas de plus dans l’évolution et le déploiement des outils d’intelligence artificielle générative. Dans l’enseignement, faut-il y voir d’abord la possibilité d’un saut significatif dans la compréhension du monde par nos étudiants ou plutôt un défi colossal contraignant la palette de nos modes d’évaluation ?En savoir plusMidi de l'éthique "ChatGPT et les outils d’IA générative : hold-up sur travail intellectuel ?"28 MarL’émergence de ChatGPT marque un pas de plus dans l’évolution et le déploiement des outils d’intelligence artificielle générative. Dans l’enseignement, faut-il y voir d’abord la possibilité d’un saut significatif dans la compréhension du monde par nos étudiants ou plutôt un défi colossal contraignant la palette de nos modes d’évaluation ?
Mich "What is wrong with the ‘Maximum Available Resources’ Clause in Socio-economic rights?"21 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Kevin Hartmann To what extent the Maximum Available Resources (MAR) clause is committed with equality? Since the enactment of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, States are obliged to devote the maximum available resources to the full realization of socio-economic rights by all appropriate means.En savoir plusMich "What is wrong with the ‘Maximum Available Resources’ Clause in Socio-economic rights?"21 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Kevin Hartmann To what extent the Maximum Available Resources (MAR) clause is committed with equality? Since the enactment of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, States are obliged to devote the maximum available resources to the full realization of socio-economic rights by all appropriate means.
Climate Ethics Workshop #1 / BIP #17 Climate Justice: Methodological Issues.16 Mar14:00 - 14:05 Opening remarks 14:05 - 14:15 General introduction to the project by Adrian Blau. 14:15 - 14 55 One Concept of Distributive Fairness: Fairness as Equity. (Pierre André) 15:55 - 15:35: Defending (Some) Thought Experiments. (Catarina Neves) 15:35 - 15:50: Coffee break. 15:50 - 16:30: The Logic of Inference of Thought Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.En savoir plusClimate Ethics Workshop #1 / BIP #17 Climate Justice: Methodological Issues.16 Mar14:00 - 14:05 Opening remarks 14:05 - 14:15 General introduction to the project by Adrian Blau. 14:15 - 14 55 One Concept of Distributive Fairness: Fairness as Equity. (Pierre André) 15:55 - 15:35: Defending (Some) Thought Experiments. (Catarina Neves) 15:35 - 15:50: Coffee break. 15:50 - 16:30: The Logic of Inference of Thought Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.
Mich "Post-Truth Politics and the Rise of Bullshit"14 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Adrian Blau (King's College London) Many writers have claimed that we live in an era of post-truth politics. I argue that ‘post-truth’ politics is better understood in terms of irrationality.En savoir plusMich "Post-Truth Politics and the Rise of Bullshit"14 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Adrian Blau (King's College London) Many writers have claimed that we live in an era of post-truth politics. I argue that ‘post-truth’ politics is better understood in terms of irrationality.
"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #808 MarEpictetusian Rationality and Evolutionary Stability Grégory Ponthière An economic interpretation of Epictetus's precept of 'Taking away aversion from all things not in our power' consists of extending the domain of indifference beyond its boundaries under non-ethical preferences, so as to yield indifference between outcomes differing only on things outside one's control.En savoir plus"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #808 MarEpictetusian Rationality and Evolutionary Stability Grégory Ponthière An economic interpretation of Epictetus's precept of 'Taking away aversion from all things not in our power' consists of extending the domain of indifference beyond its boundaries under non-ethical preferences, so as to yield indifference between outcomes differing only on things outside one's control.
Mich "When is spreading conspiracy theories wrong and why?"07 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Levon Babajanyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia) Over the last decades, the ethical acceptability of the spread of conspiracy theorizing is getting more and more interest. The scholars consider normative arguments of silencing conspiracy theories or banning the dissemination of at least some false/uncertain ones.En savoir plusMich "When is spreading conspiracy theories wrong and why?"07 MarMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Levon Babajanyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia) Over the last decades, the ethical acceptability of the spread of conspiracy theorizing is getting more and more interest. The scholars consider normative arguments of silencing conspiracy theories or banning the dissemination of at least some false/uncertain ones.