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Who should be employed? Distributive justice and fruitful work.17 SepMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan OlanoEn savoir plusWho should be employed? Distributive justice and fruitful work.17 SepMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano
The metaphysics of chemistry22 Jul24 JulDescription Although metaphysics of science has enjoyed a renaissance of sorts in recent years, the metaphysics of chemistry remains largely uncharted and has not received the attention it deserves.En savoir plusThe metaphysics of chemistry22 Jul24 JulDescription Although metaphysics of science has enjoyed a renaissance of sorts in recent years, the metaphysics of chemistry remains largely uncharted and has not received the attention it deserves.
Probabilistic Empiricism21 JunTheme: Metametaphysics and the Sciences Speaker: Quentin Ruyant (Complutense University of Madrid) Title: Probabilistic Empiricism (co-author: Mauricio Suárez) Abstract: Ruyant (2021, ch. 3–5) has proposed a modal epistemology, called Modal Empiricism (ME), that aims at accounting for the possibility to acquire modal knowledge from our past experiences.En savoir plusProbabilistic Empiricism21 JunTheme: Metametaphysics and the Sciences Speaker: Quentin Ruyant (Complutense University of Madrid) Title: Probabilistic Empiricism (co-author: Mauricio Suárez) Abstract: Ruyant (2021, ch. 3–5) has proposed a modal epistemology, called Modal Empiricism (ME), that aims at accounting for the possibility to acquire modal knowledge from our past experiences.
Early Modern Debates on the Beatific Vision: Byzantine Revival and Latin Reactions18 Jun19 JunProgramme 18 June 14:00–14:30: Welcome address and introduction by the conference organizers Session 1 Moderator: Cécile Bonmariage 14h40-15h20 William Duba (Université de Fribourg), Ferrara-Florence and the Finality of Knowledge 15h25-16h05 Patrícia Calvário (UCLouvain), Thomassin on the Vision of God: From “Quid antiqui philosophi senserunt” to the GreekFathers 16h05-1En savoir plusEarly Modern Debates on the Beatific Vision: Byzantine Revival and Latin Reactions18 Jun19 JunProgramme 18 June 14:00–14:30: Welcome address and introduction by the conference organizers Session 1 Moderator: Cécile Bonmariage 14h40-15h20 William Duba (Université de Fribourg), Ferrara-Florence and the Finality of Knowledge 15h25-16h05 Patrícia Calvário (UCLouvain), Thomassin on the Vision of God: From “Quid antiqui philosophi senserunt” to the GreekFathers 16h05-1
How can conceptual analysis inform decision-making on model selection? Modelling the urban metabolism in light of the concept of “agency”14 JunConférencier·ères : Nicola Bertoldi Ehsan Ahmadian Elisabetta Rosa Daniela Perrotti University of Louvain UCLouvain, Louvain Research Institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built Environment, Urban Metabolism lab Description : As part of the “AISt-nexus” project, this session presents work-in-progress research aiming to establish a model decision system for supporting supEn savoir plusHow can conceptual analysis inform decision-making on model selection? Modelling the urban metabolism in light of the concept of “agency”14 JunConférencier·ères : Nicola Bertoldi Ehsan Ahmadian Elisabetta Rosa Daniela Perrotti University of Louvain UCLouvain, Louvain Research Institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built Environment, Urban Metabolism lab Description : As part of the “AISt-nexus” project, this session presents work-in-progress research aiming to establish a model decision system for supporting sup
Les espaces graphiques de l’europe moderne : entre écritures nationales et circulation de modèles communs13 JunDans le cadre de l’école d’été de paléographie organisée conjointement par le GEMCA et l’ISP, le prof. Marc H. Smith (École nationale des chartes, École pratique des hautes études – PSL) tiendra une conférence intitulée “Les espaces graphiques de l’Europe moderne : entre écritures nationales et circulation de modèles communs”.En savoir plusLes espaces graphiques de l’europe moderne : entre écritures nationales et circulation de modèles communs13 JunDans le cadre de l’école d’été de paléographie organisée conjointement par le GEMCA et l’ISP, le prof. Marc H. Smith (École nationale des chartes, École pratique des hautes études – PSL) tiendra une conférence intitulée “Les espaces graphiques de l’Europe moderne : entre écritures nationales et circulation de modèles communs”.
It’s Not Elementary! The Successive Lives of Eka-Manganese aka Element 4307 JunThème : Chemistry Conférencière : Brigitte Van Tiggelen (Science History Institute) Description In 1988, a contribution appeared in the journal Nuclear Physics, signed by the Belgian nuclear chemist Pieter Van Assche with the title “The ignored discovery of the element Z = 43”.En savoir plusIt’s Not Elementary! The Successive Lives of Eka-Manganese aka Element 4307 JunThème : Chemistry Conférencière : Brigitte Van Tiggelen (Science History Institute) Description In 1988, a contribution appeared in the journal Nuclear Physics, signed by the Belgian nuclear chemist Pieter Van Assche with the title “The ignored discovery of the element Z = 43”.
Scotism Made in Louvain. The Scholastic Culture of the Franciscans in Belgium03 Jun30 SepDescription The exhibition will be inaugurated on June 3 (4-6 pm) with a seminar on Early Modern Franciscan thought, featuring a talk by Ian Campbell (Belfast), “Franciscans, Scotists, and Early Modern Culture,” and short presentations by the curators and Dom Abbott (KULeuven).En savoir plusScotism Made in Louvain. The Scholastic Culture of the Franciscans in Belgium03 Jun30 SepDescription The exhibition will be inaugurated on June 3 (4-6 pm) with a seminar on Early Modern Franciscan thought, featuring a talk by Ian Campbell (Belfast), “Franciscans, Scotists, and Early Modern Culture,” and short presentations by the curators and Dom Abbott (KULeuven).
Biological possibilities31 MayThème : Work-In-Progress
Modal epistemology and the T axiom17 MayLa sixième séance du séminaire "Metametaphysics and the sciences" aura lieu le 17/05/24. Titre : Modal epistemology and the T axiom Résumé : In the epistemology of modality, philosophers often begin by assuming that there is one easy way to learn about possibilities: the inference from actuality to possibility, or ab esse ad posse.En savoir plusModal epistemology and the T axiom17 MayLa sixième séance du séminaire "Metametaphysics and the sciences" aura lieu le 17/05/24. Titre : Modal epistemology and the T axiom Résumé : In the epistemology of modality, philosophers often begin by assuming that there is one easy way to learn about possibilities: the inference from actuality to possibility, or ab esse ad posse.