Archive of past events of the site Institut supérieur de philosophie
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Urbanisme et démocratie : l’architecture de consensus et de dissensus06 FebLes disciplines spatiales (urbanisme et architecture) possèdent des potentialités qui permettent de construire l’espace de la domination, et aussi l’espace pour accueillir la démocratie. Autrement dit, l’urbanisme et l’architecture peuvent jouer un rôle destructif, ou du support dans la construction spatiale de la démocratie.En savoir plusUrbanisme et démocratie : l’architecture de consensus et de dissensus06 FebLes disciplines spatiales (urbanisme et architecture) possèdent des potentialités qui permettent de construire l’espace de la domination, et aussi l’espace pour accueillir la démocratie. Autrement dit, l’urbanisme et l’architecture peuvent jouer un rôle destructif, ou du support dans la construction spatiale de la démocratie.
Fixed points: on the ontological nature of measurement units02 FebThème : Work-In-Progress Organisateurs : Kevin Chalas, Max Bautista PerpinyaEn savoir plusFixed points: on the ontological nature of measurement units02 FebThème : Work-In-Progress Organisateurs : Kevin Chalas, Max Bautista Perpinya
Global Expressivism and Second-Order Nihilism26 JanLa seconde séance du séminaire "Metametaphysics and the sciences" intitulée "Global Expressivism and Second-Order Nihilismaura" lieu le 01/12/23 [post-posé au 26 janvier 2024] Résumé I sketch a metasemantic approach to language that I call global expressivism (GE). GE is a specific kind of generalization to ethical expressivism to all sectors of discourse.En savoir plusGlobal Expressivism and Second-Order Nihilism26 JanLa seconde séance du séminaire "Metametaphysics and the sciences" intitulée "Global Expressivism and Second-Order Nihilismaura" lieu le 01/12/23 [post-posé au 26 janvier 2024] Résumé I sketch a metasemantic approach to language that I call global expressivism (GE). GE is a specific kind of generalization to ethical expressivism to all sectors of discourse.
La demande d'euthanasie face aux discours religieux : la difficile autonomie humaine23 JanLa demande d'euthanasie face aux discours religieux : la difficile autonomie humaine Prof.En savoir plusLa demande d'euthanasie face aux discours religieux : la difficile autonomie humaine23 JanLa demande d'euthanasie face aux discours religieux : la difficile autonomie humaine Prof.
The concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes?19 JanSeries : Urban Metabolism Orateur : Nicola Bertoldi (UCLouvain) Titre: « The concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes? » Résumé Against the backdrop of growing concerns about humanity’s contribution to global ecological changes, the concepts of urban and social metabolism are gaining prominence in sustaiEn savoir plusThe concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes?19 JanSeries : Urban Metabolism Orateur : Nicola Bertoldi (UCLouvain) Titre: « The concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes? » Résumé Against the backdrop of growing concerns about humanity’s contribution to global ecological changes, the concepts of urban and social metabolism are gaining prominence in sustai
The concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes?19 JanThème: Urban Metabolism Résumé Against the backdrop of growing concerns about humanity’s contribution to global ecological changes, the concepts of urban and social metabolism are gaining prominence in sustainability studies.En savoir plusThe concept of urban metabolism: A tool for understanding humanity’s agency over nature in times of global ecological changes?19 JanThème: Urban Metabolism Résumé Against the backdrop of growing concerns about humanity’s contribution to global ecological changes, the concepts of urban and social metabolism are gaining prominence in sustainability studies.
The Computational History of Chemistry & Phil. of Chemistry17 JanThème : Chemistry Résumé The increasing amount of data and computing power are turning computational approaches into an integral part of historians’ tools. Beyond providing novel ways to solve historical questions, computational history allows for asking and solving novel questions related to large-scale patterns.En savoir plusThe Computational History of Chemistry & Phil. of Chemistry17 JanThème : Chemistry Résumé The increasing amount of data and computing power are turning computational approaches into an integral part of historians’ tools. Beyond providing novel ways to solve historical questions, computational history allows for asking and solving novel questions related to large-scale patterns.
Globalizing Hylomorphism: Matter and Materiality Between Europe and China in the 16th Century20 DecTitre : Globalizing Hylomorphism: Matter and Materiality Between Europe and China in the 16th Century Conférencier : Nicola Polloni (MSCA Research Fellow, Universidade do Porto / UCLouvain) Organisateur : Prof. Jacob Schmutz (CDWM)En savoir plusGlobalizing Hylomorphism: Matter and Materiality Between Europe and China in the 16th Century20 DecTitre : Globalizing Hylomorphism: Matter and Materiality Between Europe and China in the 16th Century Conférencier : Nicola Polloni (MSCA Research Fellow, Universidade do Porto / UCLouvain) Organisateur : Prof. Jacob Schmutz (CDWM)
La liberté en contexte(s). Approches phénoménologiques et critiques19 DecPrésentation Le 19 décembre 2023, une journée d’étude réunira des chercheuses et des chercheurs qui présenteront et discuteront leurs travaux sur la liberté.En savoir plusLa liberté en contexte(s). Approches phénoménologiques et critiques19 DecPrésentation Le 19 décembre 2023, une journée d’étude réunira des chercheuses et des chercheurs qui présenteront et discuteront leurs travaux sur la liberté.
«Exploring New Forms of Reductionism in Biochemistry»15 DecThème : « Exploring New Forms of Reductionism in Biochemistry » Résumé In this talk, I will explore whether reductionism is possible in biochemistry and molecular biology by considering functional reductionism. Specifically, I will argue that biochemical compounds as vitamins can be reduced to chemical bases when these perform the appropriate behaviour.En savoir plus«Exploring New Forms of Reductionism in Biochemistry»15 DecThème : « Exploring New Forms of Reductionism in Biochemistry » Résumé In this talk, I will explore whether reductionism is possible in biochemistry and molecular biology by considering functional reductionism. Specifically, I will argue that biochemical compounds as vitamins can be reduced to chemical bases when these perform the appropriate behaviour.