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Application & Admission

lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

The programme is only open to students who fulfill the admission requirements and will enroll at LSM in the 2-year Master 120 in CEMS-Business Engineering (INGE2MS/G) or CEMS-Management (GEST2MS/GE), please click on "Alternatives", after being selected for CEMS MIM. The CEMS programme is fully integrated into LSM's standard Master's. Please note: the CEMS Master in International Management starts in September of the first year of Master 120.

We are looking for students with excellent academic performance, who have empathy with different cultures, show responsibility within society, and ability to work with people from other cultures.

General Requirements

Check if you satisfy the Master in Business Engineering (120) or Management (120) Admission Requirements (registration at UCLouvain/LSM is not required at this stage of the application process).

Good to know: academic verification requests will be considered only for candidates and after the online application period.

CEMS MIM Additional Requirements:
  1. You have completed all the PREREQUISITE CREDITS. Combining multiple additional teaching units with the CEMS program is not allowed.
  2. You are able to FOLLOW ALL COURSES included in your programme. No exemption from part of the CEMS study programme will be granted in the course of the annual validation of the student’s programme. 
  3. You cannot apply if you have or are enrolled in a Master's degree (at LSM or elsewhere) with similar courses. Overlaps between your current studies and the CEMS MiM are forbidden.

In addition to LSM Master's admission requirements, you also need to be able to provide the following CEMS-specific proof of academic and English preparation by February 25, 2024, or your application cannot be considered :

  1. A weighted average of 67,00% out of a Belgian Bachelor's degree  (or on 2 years and a half of the Bachelor's degree if not graduated yet) OR GMAT Exam total score of min. 600 or GMAT Focus Edition total score of min. 555 (Please note: your Official Score Report will be available within 3-5 days of completing your exam. May occasionally take up to 20 days) OR GRE min. quantitative score of 158 and verbal reasoning score of 158. Students with a non-Belgian Bachelor's degree from a CEMS School or one of our DD Partner Schools can be exempted from the GMAT if they have a min. B grade (ECTS grading scale). 
  2. Proof of English proficiency*:

Important Note: CEMS does not accept TOEFL MyBest Scores or IELTS Academic One Skill Retake.

*If you cannot pass the English test by February 25, 2024, due to academic reasons, you could send it by the end of August.

Submit your online application on from December 1, 2024, to March 9, 2025, for the 2025-2027 intake.

On the website, the registration indicates "Academic year: 2026/2027". That is perfectly normal as this date refers to the "CEMS year" which is the second year of the LSM CEMS Master's programme.

The application should feature the following documents:

One PDF file named "FamilyNAME_FirstNAME_CEMS_LSM_CV" containing:
  1. A 1-page A4 motivation letter (in English)
  2. A CV including a portrait picture for administrative purposes (in English)
  3. How You Heard About Us: Specify how you learned about the CEMS program (e.g., Google ads, master's online platform, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google search, word of mouth, student fair, etc.)
  4. If for some reason you will not be in Belgium at the time of the interview, the country and city you will be to schedule your interview in Teams
A second separate PDF file named  "FamilyNAME_FirstNAME_CEMS_LSM_ApplicationDocuments" containing:
  1. GMAT or GRE (please check Step 1 to see if applicable)
  2. Transcript of Records with GPA of ALL university studies (current year included). Course titles must be all clearly listed
  3. Copy of univeristy diploma(s) (if you have one)
  4. Copy of your official English certificate (or print-screen of online result if official copy not yet available). If you cannot pass the English test by February 25, 2025, due to academic reasons, you could send it by the end of August.
  5. Proof of non-refundable payment (85€) for your CEMS Application to the following account:
    Account holder: CEMS SEMINAR
    IBAN: BE24370128840238
    Swift Code BBRUBEBB
    Bank name: Banque ING
    Bank address: Rue des Wallons 2 - B1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium
    Bank communication: CEMS 41.11000.039 SELECTION "First Name", "Last Name"

Please note: if one or more of the required documents are missing (unless authorized by the CEMS LSM Office) or not correctly compiled, your application will be rejected.

By applying to the CEMS MiM program at LSM, students acknowledge and accept that their data, contact information, and application file will be shared with the LSM CEMS MIM Team and Jury Members for the good organization of the selection process.

All applicants meeting the admission requirements and with an online application fully and properly completed will be invited by email for an interview on April 7th, 2025 in Louvain-la-Neuve (online in Teams for applicants living abroad). If you cannot attend it for academic reasons, please inform us by March 9, 2025.

The selection interview lasts approximately 20 minutes and is held in English and in the other languages spoken by the candidate. Representatives from the CEMS Corporate Partners, the LSM, and the CEMS Office will be present.

The following CEMS-wide selection criteria will be assessed:

  1. intellectual potential and knowledge
  2. attitude and soft skills
  3. international orientation
  4. motivation for the CEMS MIM.

Your motivation and CV submitted in your application will be used by the interviewers as preparation material for the interviews. Knowledge of a third language (or a second if English native speaker) is an asset. However, it is not required to enter the CEMS MIM at LSM. Students are selected for CEMS MIM for their outstanding profile and on the basis of their potential for an international career.

Candidates will be notified by email of the jury's decision within a week or two of the interview. Accepted candidates will receive a conditional offer of admission until successful completion of their Bachelor's (and confirmation of the 67,00% weighted average for Belgian diplomas).

If accepted to the CEMS program, enroll in LSM Master's degree in CEMS-Business Engineering (INGE2MS/G) or CEMS-Management (GEST2MS/GE) as soon as possible (the sooner you are enrolled at UCLouvain/LSM, the sooner you will get your access). UCLouvain students and new students need to register online through this portal


Non-EU citizens: March 31st
EU citizens: August 31st


- Student must complete all bachelor credits prior to enrolling in the CEMS MIM at LSM. Indeed, the student must send us proof of success as soon as they are awarded their bachelor's degree. Candidates with Belgian Bachelor's degrees also need to confirm their 67,00% weighted average; foreign GMAT or GPA B ECTS.

- Student must pass all exams and acquire min. 50 ECTS credits of LSM Master level courses (internship, languages, and prerequisites courses excluded) by June. Students must also acquire ALL ECTS credits by August of the 1st year. If (s)he fails one or more exams (grade below 10) in January, June, or August, (s)he will be dropped out of the CEMS MIM programme and will spend your year 2 in the regular LSM programme without any exchange.

Destination for exchange term(s) will be awarded during the 1st year of Master's and subject to another attribution process.

The UCLouvain Tuition Fee depends on your status. UCLouvain differentiates between Belgian/EU students and non-EU students.

Standard tuition fee

You can find information about UCLouvain tuition fees here. To know how to reduce the cost of studying at UCLouvain, please click here.

LSM does not charge specific additional tuition fees for the CEMS MIM. You only need to pay the UCLouvain tuition fees.

As part of your CEMS program, you will have to fulfill an internship and one (or two) terms abroad. No additional tuition will be asked for your term abroad. You only pay the UCLouvain tuition fee, not the host university's. Mobility grants are available to every student. They are intended to co-fund the additional costs of your mobility; they will not cover the entire costs of your exchange program. Monthly rates range from 200€ to 550€ depending on the country of your mobility.

McKinsey Study Allowance & International Chair Christiane and Jacques Berghmans

Two study allowances of 5.000€ each (one from McKinsey and one from the International Chair Christiane and Jacques Berghmans) will be offered to 2 CEMS first-year students who benefit from a scholarship from the French Community of Belgium or UCLouvain (“étudiant boursier”). These allowances are given to cover the extra cost of the CEMS programme from Annual Block 1, Term 2 (e.g. travels, housing abroad, seminars..).

To apply as a CEMS LSM first-year student, please send an email to the CEMS LSM Programme Manager ( as soon as you get a positive response from Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and by end of December of your first year at the latest. The CEMS LSM Office will get back to you with more details.

Student Registration and Handling Fee

The CEMS Global Office charges each selected student with a non-refundable fee of 100€. The fee is used to fund central services provided by the CEMS Association. CEMS Students will receive further instructions about the modality of payment from the CEMS Global Office. More information available here.


LSM charges CEMS local and incoming students for the Block Seminar (300€) and the GC Seminar (100€), both CEMS mandatory activities.

CEMS Club Belgium Fee

You will be charged 150€ at the beginning of the 1st year to help the CEMS Club Belgium organizing group activities throughout the year such as dinners, conferences, day trips, etc. Don't hesitate to visit their website or Facebook Page in the meantime.