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Online courses

lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

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MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - are online courses open to anyone who wants to deepened his/her knowledge in a specific topic; in which you can progress at your own rhythm, from anywhere.

On November 23, the Louvain School of Management launches the MOOC entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting and Communication". This current edition will be available twice a year.

It covers questions such as:

  • How do they organize the reporting of their activities and performance?
  • Do they communicate everything to all their stakeholders, both internal and external?
  • Why or why not?
  • How do they develop a credible communication policy that avoids “CSR-washing”?
  • How to decode the communications of the companies around us?
  • Can we trust green advertising?

By presenting the opinions and experiences of CSR and communication experts from both the academic and business spheres, this course invites managers, consumers and citizens to gain an in-depth understanding and a critical thinking approach to CSR reporting and communications.

Learners are confronted with different business cases that will help them understand the challenges managers are currently facing. They are also invited to interact with each other on the discussion forums and to share their own examples and analyses.

More information and registration

The MOOC on "Discovering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" will be launched on September 7th, 2020 and available until November 9, 2020. 2 editions will be available twice a year.

It covers questions such as:

  • What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)?What does it mean, and what does it involve?
  • Do stakeholders really care, and if they do, how to implement a credible CSR strategy?Does it depend on the company size?
  • What are the skills of a responsible leader?

By presenting insights from CSR experts from both academia and practice, this MOOC provides a way for managers, consumers, and citizens to acquire in-depth insights and critical perspectives on companies’ CSR activities.
The multi-industry case study structure of this MOOC enables participants to confront the challenges facing today’s managers as they seek to develop their CSR strategy. Dedicated discussion forums are available for participants to interact together.

More information and registration

In 2023, the MOOC "Introduction to sustainable development issues" was launched.
This course aims to answer certain interdisciplinary and fundamental questions such as:

  • What are the roots of sustainable development?
  • How can we improve human well-being?
  • How can we rethink agricultural, food and health systems?
  • How can we develop fair and sustainable economies?
  • How can we limit our impact on the climate and the environment?
  • How can we protect the environmental commons?
  • How to manage space?

A team of 60 experts share their experiences and research findings on these diverse themes, so that learners can acquire a deeper understanding and adopt a critical mindset in the face of the challenges of sustainable development and transition. 
In this context, this interdisciplinary MOOC is one of the elective courses on the curriculum of the Louvain School of Management. It is also used by students from various programs (e.g. communication, agronomy, medicine, political science).

Professional certificate

These two courses can also be taken in a bundle to obtain a professional certificate from UCLouvain in the field of corporate social responsibility. You will learn how to:

  • Adopt a constructive yet critical perspective on managerial practices related to societal issues.
  • Stimulate and manage impactful changes in organizations, towards more responsible activities.
  • Develop a persuasive CSR action and communication plan that avoids CSR-washing.
  • Communicate in a way that reconciles multiple stakeholders’ interests.

The first edition of this professional certificate was launched on February 1, 2022. For more information and registation, consult the related edx page here.