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Off-line courses

lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

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1. CSR course in the professional focus in the masters in management and business Engineering

Within their studies, all master students at the LSM (Louvain-la-Neuve and Mons campuses) must complete a course on the relevant principles and practices of Corporate Social Responsibility. This course is offered in English, French, and Dutch.

From September 2017 to June 2023, students registered in the CSR class in Louvain-la-Neuve are invited to participate to the Sustainability Literacy Test (SULITEST) as an opportunity to raise their awareness to the multiple challenges linked to sustainability (see under the PRME Principle 3 – Methods).

2. Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management

The major Philippe de Woot in Corporate Sustainability Management is an option of six courses offered in our two Master programmes – the Master in Management and the Master in Business Engineering. This major is named in honour of LSM emeritus professor Philippe de Woot, who during 40 years at the School was a precursor of the groundswell embodied today in the commitment to CSR among the best enterprises and management educators. The main goal was to keep alive his spirit and inspiring thought in the LSM.

This multidisciplinary major aims to develop competent and responsible leaders with a transversal view of the different management fieldsThis major offers a solid understanding of the complex dilemmas and the tools to develop agile and responsible organizational cultures and to implement effective compliance, business ethics and corporate sustainable management programmes.


The objectives of this multidisciplinary major are : (1) to analyse how business organizations can learn how to use their resources not only efficiently but also in a sustainable and regenerative way and thus to integrate sustainability and responsibility thinking in corporate policies, strategies and practices, (2) to identify how this fundamental paradigmatic change in thinking about management can contribute to addressing effectively economic, environmental, societal and human sustainability challenges (such as climate change, human rights), (3) to provide appropriate understanding of the management tools needed to develop policies, strategies and practices which contribute not only to corporate sustainability but also to societal sustainable welfare and how these tools can be implemented and dealt with on a daily basis, (4) to stimulate students’ critical thinking about their role in a society confronted with sustainability challenges and paradoxical choice situations as individuals, consumers, future employees and corporate leaders.

By clicking here, you will hear students sharing their opinion about the importance of sustainability in their curriculum. 

Information about the major couses:

Discover the brochure of the major here. Each main courses' topics can be summarised as follow

This course provides future leaders  with a solid understanding of the complex dilemmas and the managerial tools to allow them to operate and implement effective business ethics and compliance programs. It covers topics such as business ethics theories, governance models, risk Management, building blocks of successful compliance programs, leading internal investigations, embedding ethics and compliance in the audit program.

Explore the complete course curriculum here.

This course teaches the basic knowledge of financial instruments and how to value them (stocks, bonds and funds) and describes the methods and tools to guide sustainable investment decisions. You will also look at the understanding of the motivations for sustainable investing (special focus on new products developed - ESG embedded) and lean more about how ESG can create value for all stakeholders (+ evolution of ESG).

Explore the complete course curriculum here.

This course addresses the concepts of social and sustainable entrepreneurship and illustrates applications of entrepreneurial thinking to different business models (CSR oriented). It also explores the relationship between business development and its social and environmental impacts.

Explore the complete course curriculum here.

This course develops theoretical and practical approaches of HRM about its contribution to sustainable management and sustainability in general. It provides students with leadership testimonies and tools to reflect on their career as future leaders and to learn to deal with conflicts in alternative and positive ways.

Explore the complete course curriculum here.

This course offers an overview of trends and best practices in corporate CSR communications. It also focuses on global sustainability reporting frameworks and responsible marketing communications and develops an understanding of the aspects of the marketing mix for sustainable products/services . 

Explore the complete course curriculum here.

3. Executive education

Business Ethics, Compliance and Corporate Responsibility are key elements that define modern business competitiveness. Leading companies set the behaviour and performance standards. They are also clear about what they aspire to be.   
From September 2016 to September 2022, the LSM run an executive programme in Business Ethics and Compliance Management dealing with governance models, codes of conduct, organizational culture, ethical leadership, CSR management, anticorruption, conflicts of Interests, money laundering, competition laws, human rights and data privacy. 
Since 2020, in collaboration with the University of Saint-Louis, this program has been relaunched under the name “(Re)Inventing your compliance program” and  is organized in Brussels.
This inter-university certificate aims at providing professionals and leaders -involved with the development, management, implementation of compliance programs, policies or services (e.g. general counsels, corporate counsels, compliance officers, auditors, lawyers, independent board members, auditors, finance managers, CSR professionals, regulators, civil servants involved in compliance) - with the tools to design, manage, implement and develop appropriate compliance programs throughout their business. 

This is a 84–hours certificate program around five pillars:


  • Managing Compliance and ethics
  • Regulatory themes update
  • Emerging issues and topics of the role of Compliance officers
  • Workshop and teamwork: ethical due diligence of a third party company
  • Final Paper and presentations


To have an overview of this programme click here.

No organization is immune to changes in work and the economy. The organizations are transforming but many challenges are observed and lead to disengagement. Workers and managers are waiting for a different management style, one that brings meaning, to reinvest in the long term. 
Through an up-to-date and innovate content, the Certificate in Innovative Human Management offered by UCLouvain has the ambition to:


  • Build a sustainable HR value proposition adapted to the company’s need
  • Identify the levers of engagement on which the human management act 
  • Identify trends and developments in social dialogue; and propose adjustments if necessary;
  • Understand the issues associated with work organization methods
  • Identify the forms of leadership best suited to this human management 


It is structured around 5 modules: (1) new foundations for human management, (2) motivation and sense making at work, (3) social dialogue and negotiation, (4) news collaborations and governance procedures in companies and (5) leadership and new ways of managing to stimulate proactivity.



For more information about this programme click here.

Moreover, since 2013, the executive program in innovation management : Innovate to meet the sustainability challenges  has included a module (half-day) focused on “responsible innovation”. 

The main objectives of this specific session on “responsible innovation” are to make participants think about their responsibility as innovators, to invite them to see how within their professional reality this responsibility is ensured and managed, at which level (individual, team or company) and to identify actions to improve their processes. 

This one-morning session (over a 12-day program) presents the principles of responsible innovation; balances between ethical values and political issues and brings experiences from the field (i.e. last year from Solvay and its SPM (Sustainable Portfolio Management) tool). Participants have also to reflect on several questions (individually and/or in groups) and participate to general discussions.

More information about the whole program here.