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Course Schedules

ilv | Bruxelles Woluwe, Charleroi, Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

If you want to find out the timetables for a course, here is THE address :

  • type in as username, the WORD « etudiant » (for everybody : students, teachers, secretaries, …)

  • then as password, the WORD « student » (for everybody : students, teachers, secretaries, …)

  • in the drop-down menu, choose the correct academic year

  • on the top left corner, under 'RECHERCHE' [SEARCH], type in your course code L'CODE',

    • click on the magnifying glass = 'Rechercher...' [Search...]

  • under 'Course ► FAC_AC ► DEP_ADEF' the schedule of your course will appear

  • under the schedule, select the correct week S01 week 19/09/22- S02 wk 26/09/22- S03 03/10/22...

  • when a turquoise icon appears in the frame of your activity (bottom right corner) : place your cursor on that frame to see any annotations concerning your course (exceptional moving, student repartition, etc.).