
Pr Nicolas Moes will receive the 2025 Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has selected the Pr.
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A Belgian academic collaborative project revolving around reusable launchers and Earth observation
Space4Relaunch is a collaborative program revolving around two of the sectors combining high accessibility of the Walloon industrial landscape, and high attractiveness to world space markets.
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A mini vibro-driving device under 50 times Earth's gravity to study the installation of offshore wind turbines
As part of the European energy transition, offshore wind power is experiencing rapid growth.
These new giants of the seas, with blades that can reach heights of 300 metres above the water, can be ins
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A welcome day for new iMMC members
A welcome day specifically for newcomers (people arriving after 21 October 2023 for the PAT, academics and researchers) is being organised for 10 October.
The day began with the presentation of the i
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Welcome to Nicolas Moës!
Nicolas Moës has been formally incorporated in the academic staff of our research institute by our President Aude Simar and Vice-President Research Renaud Ronsse. Prof.
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