News for immc


" Isabella's flight" : aerial system for puppetry with...

The Opening Performance of the "Isabella's flight" show occurred on June 26th, 2024, at 5:00 PM (17:00) at Aula Magna, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Isabella’s Flight is a research project in robotic performance that combines the art of traditional puppetry with modern drone technology....
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Definitive strength and fracture toughness of graphene...

A team of UCLouvain and WEL Research Institute, in collaboration with University of Trento, has recently made a breakthrough in the research on graphene towards its application in different technologies. Although graphene is always depicted as the strongest...
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Un nouveau tour à commande numérique au CREDEM

La plateforme CREDEM vient de se doter d’un nouveau nouveau tour à commande numérique Doosan LYNX 2100LYB. Ce tour permet l’usinage de pièces axisymétriques complexes, des petites dimensions jusqu’à un diamètre de 200 mm et une longueur de plus de 400 mm, comme l’ancien Mazak qu’il est...
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A new high resolution transmission electron microscope 

(version française ci-dessous) Developing new materials necessarily involves a complete understanding of the links between elaboration parameters, the resulting microstructure and, ultimately, the working properties of materials. Today, the microstructure characterization requires...
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iMMC in pictures

Dragon's breath

Spraying lycopod powder onto a flame during the Spring Science Festival. © Hervé Delafontaine
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