Can the fracture resistance of metal components be improved?
Thomas Pardoen is the (HA-)PI of an ERC Advanced Grant.
The vision of the project, named HAPI(*), is that the fracture resistance of metallic components can be enhanced by selecting and/or controllin
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Six months stay of Professor Hervé Capart (Taiwan University) in the civil engineering team
This semester, iMMC is hosting two visitors from National Taiwan University: professor Hervé Capart (2000 UCLouvain PhD graduate) and PhD student Yuan-Hung Chiu.
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MT180 : Camille Pestiaux et Emile Moreau (MEED) ont relevé le défi !
Encore toutes nos félicitations à Emile et Camille ! Le challenge ?
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Structures en tenségrité pour applications civiles : Rêve impossible ? Ou bientôt une réalité ?
Dans les structures en tenségrité, les barres comprimées semblent flotter au sein de câbles tendus.
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Project ALL4wALL: Can smart materials contribute to seismic resilient structures with longer service lives?
The many advantages of reinforced concrete (RC) make it irreplaceable for countless infrastructures, and led it to become the dominant building material for medium‐to‐high rise construction around the
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