I know better: Self-esteem, egocentrism, and policy learning in the liberalization of Belgian network industries
Moyson, S. (2024). I know better: Self-esteem, egocentrism, and policy learning in the liberalization of Belgian network industries.
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Visual metaphoricity across languages: The greenhouse effect and the carbon footprint in educational videos
Auge, Anais & Liu, Yuxin. (2024).
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La Belgique au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies en 2019-2020
Edouard XiaPréface de Ghislain d'Hoop RésuméCet ouvrage porte sur le sixième mandat de la Belgique au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies
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Quiet early bird or loud late riser? Parliamentary activities and types of European Parliament involvement during the negotiation of international agreements
Bardou, M. (2024). Quiet early bird or loud late riser? Parliamentary activities and types of European Parliament involvement during the negotiation of international agreements.
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La médiation diplomatique internationale
La médiation diplomatique internationale, Raoul Delcorde, Octobre 2024, La médiatio
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