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CP3 - Members

Academic staff (11)

Agni Bethani

Agni Bethani profile pic
My research interests revolve around Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). I am an expert in searches for Higgs pair production at the LHC. I was a member of CMS during my PhD, and after 5 years in ATLAS I returned to CMS in July 2019. While in ATLAS I lead the HH->bbττ analysis. Currently, in CMS, I am working on the HH->bbWW channel. As we gather more data at the LHC and improve our analysis techniques, the sensitivity to the Higgs pair production increases. The HH decays studies can constrain several SM parameters, with the Higgs self-coupling being the most important one. Therefore I am interested in the Effective Field Theory interpretation of the HH results. In parallel, I am contributing the flavour-tagging group in CMS. I am also interested in science communication, outreach and the representation of women and minorities in science.
My research interests revolve around Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). I am an expert in searches for Higgs pair production...

Giacomo Bruno

Giacomo Bruno profile pic
Experimental physicist doing research in gravitational-wave physics with the Virgo experiment at the EGO observatory and in particle physics with the CMS experiment at the LHC collider of the CERN laboratory. Also involved in the preparation of the future Einstein Telescope gravitational-wave facility. On Virgo: activities in physics data analysis (quasi-monochromatic gravitational waves, stochastic gravitational wave background, and search for coincident gravotational wave and neutrino signals) and computing. On Einstein Telescope: research and development on mirror suspension system and mitigation of Newtonian noise. On CMS: searches for signals of physics beyond the Standard Model in the Higgs sector; development of a reconstruction algorithm for high-energy muons; operation of the Belgian Tier2 computing centre that is part of the World LHC Computing Grid.
Experimental physicist doing research in gravitational-wave physics with the Virgo experiment at the EGO observatory and in particle physics with the CMS experi...

Office: E.262

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3215


Eduardo Cortina Gil

Eduardo Cortina Gil profile pic
Experimental particle physics. I'm mainly involved inNA62 experiment at CERN: detector completion and radiative kaon decays. I'm also interested in detector development for future experiments: monolithic pixel detectors and fine granularity calorimetry.
Experimental particle physics. I'm mainly involved inNA62 experiment at CERN: detector completion and radiative kaon decays. I'm also interested in detector dev...

Office: E.264

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3242


Personal homepage

Céline Degrande

Céline Degrande profile pic
I am working on Effective Field Theory (EFT) at colliders mainly in top and electroweak sector. Recently, I have been focusing on the interplay between PDF and EFT fits and on the computation of NLO QCD corrections for the SMEFT. I am the author of NLOCT and one of the FeynRules authors. I am also investigating how the photon polarisation in cosmic rays can be used to probe BSM physics.
I am working on Effective Field Theory (EFT) at colliders mainly in top and electroweak sector. Recently, I have been focusing on the interplay between PDF and...

Office: E.249

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3218


Christophe Delaere

Christophe Delaere profile pic
Experimental particle physicist working on the performance and operation of the CMS detector, on the upgrade of its silicon strip tracker for HL-LHC, and on the search for an extended Higgs sector. I am currently the UCLouvain CMS group leader.
Experimental particle physicist working on the performance and operation of the CMS detector, on the upgrade of its silicon strip tracker for HL-LHC, and on the...

Office: E.266

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3207


Personal homepage

Marco Drewes

Marco Drewes profile pic
I combine studies of the early universe with the results of laboratory experiments and astronomical observations to address fundamental questions in particle physics and cosmology.
I combine studies of the early universe with the results of laboratory experiments and astronomical observations to address fundamental questions in particle ph...

Office: E.248

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73232


Gauthier Durieux

Gauthier Durieux profile pic
Phenomenology beyond the standard model at present and future colliders, top-quark and Higgs physics, effective field theories, on-shell amplitude techniques
Phenomenology beyond the standard model at present and future colliders, top-quark and Higgs physics, effective field theories, on-shell amplitude techniques

Office: E.250

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73875


Justin Janquart

Justin Janquart profile pic
My research focuses on data analysis for gravitational waves, with a particular focus on gravitational lensing of gravitational waves, multi-messenger lensing, and data analysis solutions for next-generation detectors.
My research focuses on data analysis for gravitational waves, with a particular focus on gravitational lensing of gravitational waves, multi-messenger lensing,...

Office: E.259

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73263


Vincent Lemaitre

Vincent Lemaitre profile pic
Experimentalist, KM3NeT collaboration. Study of neutrino oscillations. From experimental constraints of PMNS parameters, mass ordering and search for sterile neutrinos.
Experimentalist, KM3NeT collaboration. Study of neutrino oscillations. From experimental constraints of PMNS parameters, mass ordering and search for sterile neutrinos.

Office: E.265

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3241


Fabio Maltoni

Fabio Maltoni profile pic
I am interested in the phenomenology of the standard model and beyond, and particularly in collider physics.
I am interested in the phenomenology of the standard model and beyond, and particularly in collider physics.

Office: E.247

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3166


Personal homepage

Gwenhaël Wilberts Dewasseige

Gwenhaël Wilberts Dewasseige profile pic
I am an astroparticle physicist using neutrinos as messengers to probe high-energy phenomena in our Universe. I am working with the IceCube and KM3NeT experiments located at the South Pole and in the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. My main research interest is to combine neutrinos with other messengers, such as photons or gravitational waves, to study transient sources e.g., compact binary mergers, gamma ray bursts, solar flares,...
I am an astroparticle physicist using neutrinos as messengers to probe high-energy phenomena in our Universe. I am working with the IceCube and KM3NeT experimen...

Office: E.263

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 32 44


Research scientists (4)

Jérôme de Favereau

Jérôme de Favereau profile pic
CP3 website developement and maintenance, issue tracking system, general support, cluster maintenance, openstack deployement, CMS detector upgrade among other things...
CP3 website developement and maintenance, issue tracking system, general support, cluster maintenance, openstack deployement, CMS detector upgrade among other things...

Office: E.356

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3113


Andrea Giammanco

Andrea Giammanco profile pic
Experimental particle physicist. Interested in data analysis, simulations, phenomenology, non-HEP applications of HEP techniques (and vice versa). Active in "muography" (i.e. imaging with cosmic muons). Member of the CMS collaboration at the LHC, of the MURAVES muography experiment, and of the DELPHES project. Former member of ALEPH at LEP.
Experimental particle physicist. Interested in data analysis, simulations, phenomenology, non-HEP applications of HEP techniques (and vice versa). Active in "mu...

Office: E.261

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3221


Personal homepage

Aaron Goodwin-Jones

Aaron Goodwin-Jones profile pic
I'm passionate about developing experimental apparatus for fundamental tests of physics. In particular, I am interested in exploiting higher-order optical modes and optimal wavefront control strategies to minimize the self-noise in our gravitational-wave detectors.
I'm passionate about developing experimental apparatus for fundamental tests of physics. In particular, I am interested in exploiting higher-order optical modes...

Olivier Mattelaer

Olivier Mattelaer profile pic
Responsible software maintenance and development of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (including most of the associated package and plugin)
Responsible software maintenance and development of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (including most of the associated package and plugin)

Office: E.357

Phone: (+32 10 4) 72010 (CP3)


Research project coordinators (1)

Chiara Arina

Chiara Arina profile pic
My work revolves around three main activities : - Administrative Coordinator of the Institute (CAI) - Research Project Coordinator: support of researchers in the identification of external funding for research projects, the coordination of responses to calls for funding, the contribution to project writing, the overall monitoring of projects in their different phases in close collaboration with the general services of the university, the development of interdisciplinary initiatives, and the promotion of the IRMP research results. - Researcher: developement of MadDM numerical tools and dark matter phenomenology
My work revolves around three main activities : - Administrative Coordinator of the Institute (CAI) - Research Project Coordinator: support of researchers in...

Office: E.362

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73229


Physicists, engineers and computer scientists (2)

Pavel Demin

Pavel Demin profile pic
Research engineer working on Delphes software for fast simulation of detector response, data acquisition systems for physics experiments, CP3 computing cluster.
Research engineer working on Delphes software for fast simulation of detector response, data acquisition systems for physics experiments, CP3 computing cluster.

Office: E.355

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3165


Andres Tanasijczuk

Andres Tanasijczuk profile pic
CP3 computing support. Development of the computing infrastructure and software framework for data analysis in the future Einstein Telescope.
CP3 computing support. Development of the computing infrastructure and software framework for data analysis in the future Einstein Telescope.

Office: E.359

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73036


Professors emeriti (2)

Jean-Marc Gérard

Jean-Marc Gérard profile pic
Phenomenological aspects of the fundamental interactions, gravity included.
Phenomenological aspects of the fundamental interactions, gravity included.

Office: E.246

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 2712


Jan Govaerts

Jan Govaerts profile pic
The fundamental interactions, their theories and their quantum unification
The fundamental interactions, their theories and their quantum unification

Office: E.252

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3226


Postdocs (19)

Deepali Agarwal

Deepali Agarwal profile pic
Stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is an anticipated signal of astrophysical and cosmological origin. A large population of faint, unresolvable, and independent sources of gravitational waves (GWs) since the beginning of stellar activity may form an astrophysical GWB. While GWs from the early universe events like Inflation and first-order phase transition are buried under an astrophysical background. Detection of GWB will provide a unique probe to study the large-scale structure of the universe, GW sources, and propagation. The energy flux of GWB is expected to have tiny fluctuations across the sky. Several reasons include inhomogeneities in matter distribution and our peculiar motion in the cosmic rest frame. My research interest lies in characterizing the anisotropy of GWB and inferring source properties. I aim to develop statistical methods to find the signature of anisotropy utilizing data from current and upcoming terrestrial detectors.
Stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is an anticipated signal of astrophysical and cosmological origin. A large population of faint, unresolvable, and...

Samuel Bein

Samuel Bein profile pic
My primary research interest is searching for physics beyond the standard model using the CMS experiment, particularly searches for dark matter and supersymmetry, in final states with jets, soft leptons, displaced tracks, disappearing tracks, and photons. I am the current L3 Convener of the New Physics searches with Standard objects (NPS) group at CMS. I am also involved in the development of fast detector simulation (FastSim), particularly the focused on the use of machine learning to improve the accuracy of FastSim.
My primary research interest is searching for physics beyond the standard model using the CMS experiment, particularly searches for dark matter and supersymmetr...

Office: E.358

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73425


Alessandra Cappati

Rogan Clark

Rogan Clark profile pic
PostDoc on the KM3NeT-ORCA experiment,
PostDoc on the KM3NeT-ORCA experiment,

Theo Heimel

Theo Heimel profile pic
The main focus of my research is accelerating event generation for the High-Luminosity LHC and beyond using generative networks. In particular, the MadNIS project aims to make sampling hard-scattering events in MadGraph faster using neural importance sampling. Furthermore, I am interested in ML-based methods to extract more information from LHC data. This includes unfolding with generative networks, simulation-based inference, and combining machine-learned detector effects with theory knowledge in the matrix element method.
The main focus of my research is accelerating event generation for the High-Luminosity LHC and beyond using generative networks. In particular, the MadNIS proje...

Mathieu Lamoureux

Mathieu Lamoureux profile pic
During my PhD, I have been working on the T2K neutrino experiment, mostly looking for hypothetical heavy neutrinos using T2K near detector, but also participating to the upgrade of T2K near detector. Then, I obtained a 3-year post-doctoral fellowship in INFN Padova (Italy), where I have been focusing on multi-messenger neutrino astronomy, especially the search for neutrinos in time and spatial coincidence with gravitational waves detected by LIGO/Virgo, using the Super-Kamiokande detector. I spend 10 months as secondment in APC Paris (France) to extend this work to ANTARES telescope. Since I am in Louvain, I am mostly focusing on topics related to multi-messenger astronomy in KM3NeT (GW follow-up, real-time astronomy) and in IceCube (low-energy neutrino selection, service tasks related to supernova monitoring and detection).
During my PhD, I have been working on the T2K neutrino experiment, mostly looking for hypothetical heavy neutrinos using T2K near detector, but also participati...

Zak Lawrence

Zak Lawrence profile pic
I'm a postdoctoral researcher working at UCLouvain on the CMS experiment at CERN. I study the interaction between the top quark and the Higgs boson in the multilepton decay channel. I'm also involved in work monitoring the condition of the CMS silicon strip tracker.
I'm a postdoctoral researcher working at UCLouvain on the CMS experiment at CERN. I study the interaction between the top quark and the Higgs boson in the multi...

Jeff Lazar

Jeff Lazar profile pic
Neutrino telescope simulation and novel BSM signatures.
Neutrino telescope simulation and novel BSM signatures.

Jindrich Lidrych

Jindrich Lidrych profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist, member of the CMS Collaboration at CERN. I am particularly interested in precision Standard Model measurements and Higgs physics.
I am an experimental particle physicist, member of the CMS Collaboration at CERN. I am particularly interested in precision Standard Model measurements and Higgs physics.

Yang Ma

Yang Ma profile pic
My main research interest lies in elementary particle physics theory, focusing on high-energy collider physics as well as connections to astro-particle physics and cosmology. While the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics provides a remarkably successful description of elementary matter and forces, it fails to address a number of outstanding conceptual and empirical mysteries, such as the naturalness of electroweak scale, the strong CP problem, the nature of dark matter (DM), and the origin of neutrino masses. Clearly the SM must be extended and become part of a deeper structure that will explain these shortcomings, with new physics beyond the SM expected to emerge at some high energy scale. I aim to test the SM itself and search for possible new physics at high-energy colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other future collider programs (ILC, CLIC, CEPC/SPPC, FCC-ee/hh, muon colliders, etc.)
My main research interest lies in elementary particle physics theory, focusing on high-energy collider physics as well as connections to astro-particle physics...

Paul Malek

Paul Malek profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist with strong interest in detector development. Currently I am part of the CMS collaboration at the LHC and working on the Phase-2 upgrade of the outer tracker. In my previous work I was involved in the R&D for a high precision time projection chamber (TPC) as a tracker for a potential detector at the planned linear e+e- collider ILC.
I am an experimental particle physicist with strong interest in detector development. Currently I am part of the CMS collaboration at the LHC and working on the...

Christoph Raab

Christoph Raab profile pic
Postdoc working on IceCube. My big topic is trying to do realtime astronomy with GeV neutrinos. But I'm generally interested in multi-messenger astronomy.
Postdoc working on IceCube. My big topic is trying to do realtime astronomy with GeV neutrinos. But I'm generally interested in multi-messenger astronomy.

Semra Turkcapar

Semra Turkcapar profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist and interested in detector developments. Currently I am working on the Phase-2 upgrades of the CMS Outer Tracker system at CERN. I had a large range of experiences in many aspects of detector developments of the CMS HCAL Phase-1 upgrades including assembling, testing, installing, commissioning and operating state-of-the-art electronics such as SiPMs, PMTs, QIE ASIC chips and laser maintenance optical system. My PhD thesis is based on a SUSY search for R-Parity Violating (RPV) and Stealth Top Squark Decays.
I am an experimental particle physicist and interested in detector developments. Currently I am working on the Phase-2 upgrades of the CMS Outer Tracker system...

Matthias Vereecken

Matthias Vereecken profile pic
My research focuses on multi-messenger astronomy, primarily high-energy neutrinos with IceCube and gravitational waves with Virgo. Currently working as part of E-test on Newtonian noise mitigation.
My research focuses on multi-messenger astronomy, primarily high-energy neutrinos with IceCube and gravitational waves with Virgo. Currently working as part of...

PhD students (34)

Tommaso Armadillo

Tommaso Armadillo profile pic
I am working on the development of methods and tools to advance our ability to perform precision studies at colliders and apply them to key novel computations. In particular, we aim at introducing new techniques for two-loop integrals that are currently the bottleneck of next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) electroweak and use them to obtain predictions for Drell-Yan process at the LHC and for ZH production at future electron-positron colliders.
I am working on the development of methods and tools to advance our ability to perform precision studies at colliders and apply them to key novel computations....

Ricardo Cabrita

Ricardo Cabrita profile pic
I am working in Gravitational Wave Interferometer instrumentation. Working in the optics lab to test the use of Phase Cameras (PC) for mode matching mitigation in optical cavities and also collaborating with the Phase Camera group at Virgo, contributing with optical simulations and trying to understand the PC generated amplitude and phase maps.
I am working in Gravitational Wave Interferometer instrumentation. Working in the optics lab to test the use of Phase Cameras (PC) for mode matching mitigation...

Office: D.024


Francisco Casalinho

Francisco Casalinho profile pic
This project is to study Higgs pair production in the bbtautau final state at CMS. The objectives of this study are: to measure the Higgs self-coupling constant, explore anomalous values of the Higgs couplings and new Higgs couplings using effective field theory parameterisation and study the Higgs pair production associated with a vector boson.
This project is to study Higgs pair production in the bbtautau final state at CMS. The objectives of this study are: to measure the Higgs self-coupling constant...

Clémentine Dassy

Clémentine Dassy profile pic
I'm working on trajectories of charged particles in electromagnetic knots in vacuum. The next step is to translate these electromagnetic knots into gravitational knots to understand the discrepancy between the theoretical and the observed velocity curves of galaxies.
I'm working on trajectories of charged particles in electromagnetic knots in vacuum. The next step is to translate these electromagnetic knots into gravitationa...

Antoine Depasse

Antoine Depasse profile pic
Searches for gravitational waves signal emitted by ultralight boson clouds around rotating black holes with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometers.
Searches for gravitational waves signal emitted by ultralight boson clouds around rotating black holes with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometers.

Valentin Durupt

Valentin Durupt profile pic
Studying particle physics phenomenology at colliders, Standard Model and Beyond with Effective Field Theory framework. Specialising in the use of Quantum Information (QI) observables (such as entanglement) to study fundamental interactions and their interpretation as QI processes.
Studying particle physics phenomenology at colliders, Standard Model and Beyond with Effective Field Theory framework. Specialising in the use of Quantum Inform...

Khalil El Achi

Khalil El Achi profile pic
Internship in the CP3 muography group, participating to detector and simulation activities.
Internship in the CP3 muography group, participating to detector and simulation activities.

Eliot Genton

Eliot Genton profile pic
Currently working on a GeV to TeV analysis of solar neutrino events using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in the South Pole, before enlarging this to a multimessenger analysis of the sun,
Currently working on a GeV to TeV analysis of solar neutrino events using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in the South Pole, before enlarging this to...

Yannis Georis

Yannis Georis profile pic
Working on potential explanations for the origin of Baryonic and Dark matter. I focus on extensions of the Standard Model with "light" particles, e.g. particles having a mass at the MeV to TeV scale for which thermal corrections are crucial.
Working on potential explanations for the origin of Baryonic and Dark matter. I focus on extensions of the Standard Model with "light" particles, e.g. particles...

Axel Guerlus

Axel Guerlus profile pic
Working on SMEFT in top quark sector. More precisely, I am looking for observables sensitive to the SMEFT effects in processes involving top quarks, especially the production of four tops.
Working on SMEFT in top quark sector. More precisely, I am looking for observables sensitive to the SMEFT effects in processes involving top quarks, especially...

Oguz Guzel

Oguz Guzel profile pic
I am interested in the Higgs boson pair production at the LHC and the analysis of CMS data by making use of the data analysis techniques including machine learning.
I am interested in the Higgs boson pair production at the LHC and the analysis of CMS data by making use of the data analysis techniques including machine learning.

Jef Heynen

Jef Heynen profile pic
I analyze gravitational wave data searching for lensed gravitational waves.
I analyze gravitational wave data searching for lensed gravitational waves.

Majid Hussain

Majid Hussain profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist with a strong interest in detector development and its commissioning. Currently, I am involved in the CMS Phase-II upgrade for the Outer Tracker.
I am an experimental particle physicist with a strong interest in detector development and its commissioning. Currently, I am involved in the CMS Phase-II upgra...

Sumaira Ikram

Sumaira Ikram profile pic
Simulations and data analysis of a muon radiography experiment at Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
Simulations and data analysis of a muon radiography experiment at Mt. Vesuvius, Italy

Office: E.148

Karlijn Kruiswijk

Karlijn Kruiswijk profile pic
I am a PhD student in astrophysics, and a member in the IceCube collaboration. My PhD thesis is on on low energy (MeV-GeV) neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Burst populations. For this I work on improving the detection and reconstruction of low energy neutrinos, and look at properties of the electromagnetic spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts to categorize them.
I am a PhD student in astrophysics, and a member in the IceCube collaboration. My PhD thesis is on on low energy (MeV-GeV) neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Burst popula...

Maxime Lagrange

Maxime Lagrange profile pic
I am interested in tomographic image reconstruction applied to muography, and how it can benefit from Machine-learning optimization.
I am interested in tomographic image reconstruction applied to muography, and how it can benefit from Machine-learning optimization.

Matteo Maltoni

Matteo Maltoni profile pic
Working on SMEFT operators phenomenology
Working on SMEFT operators phenomenology

Paola Mastrapasqua

Jonathan Mauro

Jonathan Mauro profile pic
Looking for solar-flares produced neutrinos with KM3NeT :)
Looking for solar-flares produced neutrinos with KM3NeT :)

Office: E.257

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73202


Emile Moyaux

Emile Moyaux profile pic
Building theoretical neutrino energy distributions (NEDs) over a wide energy range for various astrophysical transient events. The final goal of my thesis is to build mock NEDs from these theoretical distributions, which will help us identifying transient astrophysical sources in both archival and future data.
Building theoretical neutrino energy distributions (NEDs) over a wide energy range for various astrophysical transient events. The final goal of my thesis is to...

Leonardo Ricca

Leonardo Ricca profile pic
Looking for multi-messenger astrophysical events involving gravitational waves and neutrinos. Member of Virgo and IceCube collaborations.
Looking for multi-messenger astrophysical events involving gravitational waves and neutrinos. Member of Virgo and IceCube collaborations.

Per Arne Sevle Myhr

Per Arne Sevle Myhr profile pic
I'm working on a novel search for sub-GeV neutrinos from transient astrophysical events using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
I'm working on a novel search for sub-GeV neutrinos from transient astrophysical events using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

Office: E.149


Guillaume Suchet-bernard

Guillaume Suchet-bernard profile pic
My current work consist in the automation of the one-loop renormalization of the electroweak sector in the SMEFT. I am also interested in gauge invariance in both the SM and GR and in non-local effects.
My current work consist in the automation of the one-loop renormalization of the electroweak sector in the SMEFT. I am also interested in gauge invariance in b...

Office: E.165

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0492528311


Simone Tentori

Simone Tentori profile pic
I study particle physics phenomenology in colliders, both SM and BSM, with particular attention to top-philic interaction and light new states.
I study particle physics phenomenology in colliders, both SM and BSM, with particular attention to top-philic interaction and light new states.

Julien Touchèque

Julien Touchèque profile pic
Phenomenology of CP violation in weak bosons pair production and single top quark processes with the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.
Phenomenology of CP violation in weak bosons pair production and single top quark processes with the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.

Stavros Venikoudis

Stavros Venikoudis profile pic
My research is focused on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometric detectors. Specifically, I work on the development of techniques aimed to disentangle, in case of detection of an SGWB signal, the different contributions to the SGWB and determine their distributions on the sky. Also, I work on the investigation of possible correlations in time and frequency of SGWBs from cosmological sources, such as cosmic strings after relaxing the assumption of stationarity.
My research is focused on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometric detectors. Specifically, I work on the development...

Zeqiang Wang

Zeqiang Wang profile pic
I am currently engaged in research on future collider projects, including the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) and the muon collider. My work focuses on g-2 and tau-related studies, as well as investigations into the electron Yukawa coupling.
I am currently engaged in research on future collider projects, including the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) and the muon collider. My work focuses on g-2 an...

Office: E.152

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0456242345


Valentin Weber

Valentin Weber profile pic
I am currently working on light hidden sector Dark Matter (including sterile neutrinos and ALPs). The main focus of this work lies on the Dark Matter production in the early universe, in particular on the computation of thermal corrections to the product during freeze-in. I want to make more reliable predictions for the relic density in such models, which can be tested in experiments.
I am currently working on light hidden sector Dark Matter (including sterile neutrinos and ALPs). The main focus of this work lies on the Dark Matter production...

Office: E.254

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73209


Zahraa Zaher

Zahraa Zaher profile pic
Machine-learning optimization of experiments in fundamental and applied physics.
Machine-learning optimization of experiments in fundamental and applied physics.

Office: E.147

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0472903518


Morgane Zeoli

Morgane Zeoli profile pic
My work is orientated toward gravitational wave (GW) instrumentation. It focuses on cryogenic passive and active inertial sensing of low-vibration seismically isolated cryogenic test-masses.
My work is orientated toward gravitational wave (GW) instrumentation. It focuses on cryogenic passive and active inertial sensing of low-vibration seismically i...

Office: d.025


Master students (12)

Noemie Deplechin

Noemie Deplechin profile pic
Study of the performance of the first silicon modules of the future CMS tracker for HL-LHC.
Study of the performance of the first silicon modules of the future CMS tracker for HL-LHC.

Diogo Ferreira de Almeida

Diogo Ferreira de Almeida profile pic
Search for tau neutrinos using multi-PMT sensors
Search for tau neutrinos using multi-PMT sensors

Romain Gorski

Romain Gorski profile pic
Master student studying AGN (Active Galaxy Nuclei) using electromagnetic, neutrinos and gravitational waves data. The main objective is to search for correlations and space-time coincidence between those three. To do so, I make use of computational and data analysis (plus an ounce of machine learning) methods.
Master student studying AGN (Active Galaxy Nuclei) using electromagnetic, neutrinos and gravitational waves data. The main objective is to search for correlatio...

Office: E. Lannoye

Gauthier Hanse

Maxime Harvengt

Brieux Kaczmarczyk

Brieux Kaczmarczyk profile pic
Applicability of non-parametric data-driven background modelling using conditional probabilities for CMS data analysis
Applicability of non-parametric data-driven background modelling using conditional probabilities for CMS data analysis

Louis Lovat

Office: E.66

Thomas McCleery

Jorge Navarro

Victor Verschuren

Hélène Vincart

Perrine Wilmet

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0472626482

Technical staff (5)

Laurent Bruniaux

Office: F011

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73214


Quentin de Smedt

Office: E.070.


Raphaël Indot

Office: E.070


Michael Jonckman

Office: F.006

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3214


Nicolas Szilasi

Office: E.157

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3258


Administrative staff (2)

Stéphanie Landrain

Office: E.346

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3080


Carinne Mertens

Carinne Mertens profile pic
Providing secretarial support to CP3 and CURL
Providing secretarial support to CP3 and CURL

Office: E.347

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3273


Visitors (9)

Julie Bouhy

Office: E.065

Abhishek Chauhan

Abhishek Chauhan profile pic
Collaborating with Andrea Giammanco's muography team.
Collaborating with Andrea Giammanco's muography team.

Michele Dradi

Michele Lucente

Michele Lucente profile pic
I work on extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics aimed at accounting for the observed neutrino masses and flavour mixing, the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and the nature of dark matter. I am currently developing a new computer tool (MadbaM) devoted to precision computations of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in beyond the Standard Model realisations.
I work on extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics aimed at accounting for the observed neutrino masses and flavour mixing, the origin of the baryon...

Franco Mostardi

Artur Shaikhiev

Artur Shaikhiev profile pic
Search for rare decays/new particles. Interested in Monte Carlo simulation of physics experiments
Search for rare decays/new particles. Interested in Monte Carlo simulation of physics experiments

Interns (3)

Allegra Cavicchi

Office: E.049

Giuseppe Ventura

Guests (4)

Thierry Delbar

Thierry Delbar profile pic
Production and collection of Li8 and B8 nuclei to be used for the production of neutrino beams (project EuroNu)
Production and collection of Li8 and B8 nuclei to be used for the production of neutrino beams (project EuroNu)

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3202


Ghislain Grégoire

Ghislain Grégoire profile pic
Experimentalist. Detection of radiations (nearly all types ...). Design, simulation, construction, setup and operation of radiation detectors.
Experimentalist. Detection of radiations (nearly all types ...). Design, simulation, construction, setup and operation of radiation detectors.

Office: B.224

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3216


René Prieels

René Prieels profile pic
Energy issues: analysis of the energy future based mainly on the physical capabilities of all resources available.
Energy issues: analysis of the energy future based mainly on the physical capabilities of all resources available.