On 10 December 2019, Louvain4Nutrition is pleased to invite you to join its next interdisciplinary seminar. The seminar will feature presentations by researchers from the 3 different sectors of the University on food and nutrition.
Bertanne Visser (UCLouvain Chercheuse Qualifiée FNRS - SST/ELI) Do or don't: fatty acid and lipid production in insects
Sophie Leclercq (UCLouvain SSS/LDRI) Implication of the gut microbiota and nutrition in alcohol use disorders
Valérie Broers (Open Universiteit Nederland, NL, UCLouvain PhD graduate 2014 -2019) A taste for the unfamiliar: increasing prebiotic vegetable choice with nudging interventions (abstract)
Nudging refers to interventions that organize the choice architecture in order to alter people’s behaviour in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. An example of a nudge is placing healthy rather than unhealthy foods at the cash register, to make it easier for customers to make a healthy food choice. Nudging is a popular behaviour change technique in many domains but the conditions for its effectiveness have not been researched extensively. As part of the Food4Gut project, several nudging interventions were implemented in the university restaurants in Louvain-la-Neuve and Woluwe with the aim of increasing prebiotic vegetable choice. Prebiotic vegetables are vegetables such as salsify and Jerusalem artichoke with a high amount of Inulin-type fructans, which are known for their prebiotic capacities. Although proximity and combined (proximity + cue-to-action) nudging interventions were not effective, tasting and default-name nudging interventions were very effective in increasing prebiotic vegetable choice.
The conference will be concluded by a round of informal discussion with the speakers, followed by a drink at the cafeteria.
Everyone interested in these topics is free to join the event.