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ELIE Journal articles

elie | Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Journal article
    • 2024
      Xu, Zihan ; Li, Hongxu ; Jin, Xinfei ; Su, Fulin ; Xu, Guodong ; Lambot, Sébastien.
      A Synergistic GPR Approach of Back Projection Algorithm and Full-Wave Inversion for Reconstruction in Unknown Multilayered Environments. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 62, p. 1-18 (2024). doi:10.1109/TGRS.2024.3500588.
    • Thomas, Maxime ; Jongejans, Loeka L. ; Strauss, Jens ; Vermylen, Chloé ; Calcus, Sacha ; Opel, Thomas ; Kizyakov, Alexander ; Wetterich, Sebastian ; Grosse, Guido ; Opfergelt, Sophie.
      A Third of Organic Carbon Is Mineral Bound in Permafrost Sediments Exposed by the World's Largest Thaw Slump, Batagay, Siberia. In: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, Vol. 35, no. 3, p. 278-293 (2024). doi:10.1002/ppp.2230.
    • Grünig, Marc ; Rammer, Werner ; Albrich, Katharina ; André, Frédéric ; Augustynczik, Andrey L.D. ; Bohn, Friedrich ; Bouwman, Meike ; Bugmann, Harald ; Collalti, Alessio ; Cristal, Irina ; Dalmonech, Daniela ; De Caceres, Miquel ; De Coligny, Francois ; Dobor, Laura ; Dollinger, Christina ; Forrester, David I. ; Garcia-Gonzalo, Jordi ; González, José Ramón ; Hiltner, Ulrike ; Hlásny, Tomáš ; Honkaniemi, Juha ; Huber, Nica ; Jonard, Mathieu ; Maria Jönsson, Anna ; Lagergren, Fredrik ; Nieberg, Mats ; Mina, Marco ; Mohren, Frits ; Moos, Christine ; Morin, Xaxier ; Muys, Bart ; Peltoniemi, Mikko ; Reyer, Christopher PO ; Storms, Ilié ; Thom, Dominik ; Toïgo, Maude ; Seidl, Rupert.
      A harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change. In: Data in Brief, Vol. 54, p. 110384 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.dib.2024.110384.
    • Ligot, Noa ; Viera, William ; Peñaherrera, Diego ; Bernard, Benjamin ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Delmelle, Pierre.
      A quantitative assessment of crop vulnerability to tephra hazard at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: understanding the effect of volcanic and biological factors. In: Bulletin of Volcanology, Vol. 86, no.4 (2024). doi:10.1007/s00445-024-01710-2.
    • Guignabert, Arthur ; Jonard, Mathieu ; Messier, Christian ; André, Frédéric ; de Coligny, François ; Doyon, Frédérik ; Ponette, Quentin.
      Adaptive forest management improves stand-level resilience of temperate forests under multiple stressors. In: Science of The Total Environment, , p. 174168 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174168.
    • El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik.
      Assessing Spatio-Temporal Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change in the Siliana Watershed, Northwestern Tunisia. In: Atmosphere, Vol. 15, no.10, p. 1209 (2024). doi:10.3390/atmos15101209.
    • Faryuni, Irfana Diah ; Saint-Amand, Antoine ; Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Umar, Widyastuti ; Jompa, Jamaluddin ; Moore, Abigail Mary ; Hanert, Emmanuel.
      Assessing coral reef conservation planning in Wakatobi National Park (Indonesia) from larval connectivity networks. In: Coral Reefs, Vol. 43, p. 19-33 (2024). doi:10.1007/s00338-023-02443-y.
    • Chaabane, Safa ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Slama, Emna ; Vanclooster, Marnik.
      Assessing the Performance of a Citizen Science Based Water Quality Monitoring Program for Nitrates Using Test Strips Implemented in the Medjerda Hydrosystem in Northern Tunisia. In: Hydrology, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 6 (2024). doi:10.3390/hydrology11010006.
    • Zanutel, Martin ; Garré, Sarah ; Sanglier, Patrick ; Bielders, Charles.
      Biochar modifies soil physical properties mostly through changes in soil structure rather than through its internal porosity. In: Vadose Zone Journal, (2023). doi:10.1002/vzj2.20301.
    • Vospernik, Sonja ; Vigren, Carl ; Morin, Xavier ; Toïgo, Maude ; Bielak, Kamil ; Brazaitis, Gediminas ; Bravo, Felipe ; Heym, Michael ; del Río, Miren ; Jansons, Aris ; Löf, Magnus ; Nothdurft, Arne ; Pardos, Marta ; Pach, Maciej ; Ponette, Quentin ; Pretzsch, Hans.
      Can mixing Quercus robur and Quercus petraea with Pinus sylvestris compensate for productivity losses due to climate change?. In: Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 942, p. 173342 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173342.
    • Jaroszewicz, Bogdan ; Stojek, Katarzyna ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Ponette, Quentin ; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael ; Verheyen, Kris ; Kiss, Anna K..
      Canopy openness, proportion of deciduous trees and topsoil C/N ratio drive the yield, but their effect on the polyphenol content of medicinal plants is species-specific. In: European Journal of Forest Research, (2024). doi:10.1007/s10342-024-01724-7.
    • Potier, Hugo M. G. ; Raynaud, Xavier ; Agnan, Yannick ; Allain, Alienor ; Rouelle, Maryse ; Vaury, Véronique ; Abbadie, Luc ; Alexis, Marie A..
      Carbon and nitrogen stocks and distributions associated with different vegetation covers and soil profiles in Abisko, northern Sweden. In: Arctic Science, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1 (2024). doi:10.1139/as-2023-0049.
    • Saenger, Anaïs ; André, Frédéric ; Jonard, Mathieu ; Nicolas, Manuel ; Ponette, Quentin.
      Carbon sequestration and nitrogen loss drive the evolution of French forest soils. In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, Vol. 7 (2024). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2024.1338239.
    • Delval, Louis ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Javaux, Mathieu.
      Combination of plant and soil water potential monitoring and modelling demonstrates soil-root hydraulic disconnection during drought. In: Plant and Soil, (2024). doi:10.1007/s11104-024-07062-2.
    • Burn, Christopher R. ; Bartsch, Annett ; Chakraborty, Elora ; Das, Soumik ; Frauenfelder, Regula ; Gärtner‐Roer, Isabelle ; Gisnås, Kjersti G. ; Herring, Teddi ; Jones, Benjamin M. ; Kokelj, Steven V. ; Langer, Moritz ; Lathrop, Emma ; Murton, Julian B. ; Nielsen, David M. ; Niu, Fujun ; Olson, Christine ; O'Neill, H. Brendan ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Overduin, Pier Paul ; Schaefer, Kevin ; Schuur, Edward A. G. ; Skierszkan, Elliott ; Smith, Sharon L. ; Stuenzi, Simone M. ; Tank, Suzanne E. ; van der Sluijs, Jurjen ; Vieira, Gonçalo ; Westermann, Sebastian ; Wolfe, Stephen A. ; Yarmak, Ed.
      Developments in Permafrost Science and Engineering in Response to Climate Warming in Circumpolar and High Mountain Regions, 2019–2024. In: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, (2024). doi:10.1002/ppp.2261.
    • Zanutel, Martin ; Lefebvre, A. ; Garré, S. ; Bielders, Charles.
      Does century-old biochar affect soil interrill erodibility on cropland soils? A study on pre-industrial kiln sites. In: Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 240, p. 106091 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.still.2024.106091.
    • Dendoncker, Morgane ; Guisset, Camille (co-first author) ; Jonard, Mathieu ; Delente, Alexandra ; Ponette, Quentin ; Vincke, Caroline.
      Drought resilience of three coniferous species from Belgian arboreta highlights them as promising alternatives for future forests in Western Europe. In: Dendrochronologia, Vol. 89, no.C, p. 126282 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2024.126282.
    • Guisset, Camille ; Dendoncker, Morgane ; Vincke, Caroline ; Ponette, Quentin.
      Drought timing, intensity, and consecutiveness have more influence on Douglas fir growth response than site conditions and stand density in European temperate climate. In: Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 569, p. 122177 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122177.
    • Zheng, Liting ; Barry, Kathryn E. ; Guerrero-Ramírez, Nathaly R. ; Craven, Dylan ; Reich, Peter B. ; Verheyen, Kris ; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Barsoum, Nadia ; Bauhus, Jürgen ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Auge, Harald ; Fagundes, Marina V. ; Ferlian, Olga ; Fiedler, Sebastian ; Forrester, David I. ; Ganade, Gislene ; Gebauer, Tobias ; Haase, Josephine ; Hajek, Peter ; Hector, Andy ; Hérault, Bruno ; Hölscher, Dirk ; Hulvey, Kristin B. ; Irawan, Bambang ; Jactel, Hervé ; Koricheva, Julia ; Kreft, Holger ; Lanta, Vojtech ; Leps, Jan ; Mereu, Simone ; Messier, Christian ; Montagnini, Florencia ; Mörsdorf, Martin ; Müller, Sandra ; Muys, Bart ; Nock, Charles A. ; Paquette, Alain ; Parker, William C. ; Parker, John D. ; Parrotta, John A. ; Paterno, Gustavo B. ; Perring, Michael P. ; Piotto, Daniel ; Wayne Polley, H. ; Ponette, Quentin ; Potvin, Catherine ; Quosh, Julius ; Rewald, Boris ; Godbold, Douglas L. ; van Ruijven, Jasper ; Standish, Rachel J. ; Stefanski, Artur ; Sundawati, Leti ; Urgoiti, Jon ; Williams, Laura J. ; Wilsey, Brian J. ; Yang, Baiyu ; Zhang, Li ; Zhao, Zhao ; Yang, Yongchuan ; Sandén, Hans ; Ebeling, Anne ; Schmid, Bernhard ; Fischer, Markus ; Kotowska, Martyna M. ; Palmborg, Cecilia ; Tilman, David ; Yan, Enrong ; Hautier, Yann.
      Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 15, no.1 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46355-z.
    • Depauw, Leen ; De Lombaerde, Emiel ; Dhiedt, Els ; Blondeel, Haben ; Abdala-Roberts, Luis ; Auge, Harald ; Barsoum, Nadia ; Bauhus, Jürgen ; Chu, Chengjin ; Damtew, Abebe ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Fagundes, Marina V. ; Ganade, Gislene ; Gendreau-Berthiaume, Benoit ; Godbold, Douglas ; Gravel, Dominique ; Guillemot, Joannès ; Hajek, Peter ; Hector, Andrew ; Hérault, Bruno ; Jactel, Hervé ; Koricheva, Julia ; Kreft, Holger ; Liu, Xiaojuan ; Mereu, Simone ; Messier, Christian ; Muys, Bart ; Nock, Charles A. ; Paquette, Alain ; Parker, John D. ; Parker, William C. ; Paterno, Gustavo B. ; Perring, Michael P. ; Ponette, Quentin ; Potvin, Catherine ; Reich, Peter B. ; Rewald, Boris ; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael ; Schnabel, Florian ; Sousa-Silva, Rita ; Weih, Martin ; Zemp, Delphine Clara ; Verheyen, Kris ; Baeten, Lander.
      Enhancing Tree Performance Through Species Mixing: Review of a Quarter-Century of TreeDivNet Experiments Reveals Research Gaps and Practical Insights. In: Current Forestry Reports, (2024). doi:10.1007/s40725-023-00208-y.
    • Wang, Mengxi ; Calders, Kim ; Verbeeck, Hans ; Verheyen, Kris ; Baeten, Lander ; Blondeel, Haben ; Muys, Bart ; Ponette, Quentin ; Armston, John ; Van Coillie, Frieke.
      Exploring the influence of tree species richness on vertical structure variability in young plantations using terrestrial laser scanning. In: Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 554, p. 121662 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121662. doi:
    • Ligot, Noa ; de Tornaco, Pierre Miny ; Pereira, Benoît ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Delmelle, Pierre.
      Exposure of vegetables to simulated volcanic ashfall reveals production loss controlled by plant traits and growth stage. In: Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, Vol. 7, no.3 (2024). doi:10.1002/agg2.20494.
    • Stojek, Katarzyna ; Bobrowska-Korczak, Barbara ; Kusińska, Barbara ; Czerwonka, Małgorzata ; Decruyenaere, Julien ; Decock, Lucas ; Klama, Johanna ; Mueller, Sandra ; Ponette, Quentin ; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael ; Verheyen, Kris ; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan.
      Factors affecting composition of fatty acids in wild-growing forest mushrooms. In: Mycologia, , p. 1-11 (2024). doi:10.1080/00275514.2024.2325045.
    • Li, Yanfei ; Henrion, Maud ; Moore, Angus ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Vanacker, Veerle ; Jonard, François ; Van Oost, Kristof.
      Factors controlling peat soil thickness and carbon storage in temperate peatlands based on UAV high-resolution remote sensing. In: Geoderma, Vol. 449, p. 117009 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117009.
    • Nghonda, Dieu-donné N’tambwe ; Muteya, Héritier Khoji ; Salomon, Waselin ; Mushagalusa, Fidèle Cuma ; Malaisse, François ; Ponette, Quentin ; Sikuzani, Yannick Useni ; Kalenga, Wilfried Masengo ; Bogaert, Jan.
      Floristic Diversity and Natural Regeneration of Miombo Woodlands in the Rural Area of Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo. In: Diversity, Vol. 16, no.7, p. 405 (2024). doi:10.3390/d16070405.
    • Gillerot, Loïc ; Rozario, Kevin ; de Frenne, Pieter ; Oh, Rachel ; Ponette, Quentin ; Bonn, Aletta ; Chow, Winston ; Godbold, Douglas ; Steinparzer, Matthias ; Haluza, Daniela ; Landuyt, Dries ; Muys, Bart ; Verheyen, Kris.
      Forests are chill: The interplay between thermal comfort and mental wellbeing. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 242, p. 104933 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104933.
    • Opfergelt, Sophie ; Gaspard, François ; Hirst, Catherine ; Monin, Laurence ; Juhls, Bennet ; Morgenstern, Anne ; Angelopoulos, Michael ; Overduin, Pier Paul.
      Frazil ice changes winter biogeochemical processes in the Lena River. In: Communications Earth & Environment, Vol. 5, no.1 (2024). doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01884-9.
    • Wankmüller, F. J. P. ; Delval, Louis ; Lehmann, P. ; Baur, M. J. ; Cecere,A ; Wolf, S. ; Or, D. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Carminati, A..
      Global influence of soil texture on ecosystem water limitation. In: Nature, (2024). doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08089-2.
    • Bemelmans, Nathan ; Dejardin, Rosalie ; Arbalestrie, Bryan ; Agnan, Yannick.
      Glyphosate application may influence the transfer of trace elements from soils to both soil solutions and plants. In: Chemosphere, Vol. 143603, no. 1, p. 1 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143603.
    • Heggy, Essam ; Abotalib, Abotalib Z. ; You, Jongeun ; Hanert, Emmanuel ; Ramah, Mohamed.
      Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam can generate sustainable hydropower while minimizing downstream water deficit during prolonged droughts. In: communications earth & environment, Vol. 5, p. 757 (2024). doi: doi:
    • Clement, Timothée ; Bielders, Charles ; Degré, Aurore.
      How much do conservation cropping practices mitigate runoff and soil erosion under Western European conditions: A focus on conservation tillage, tied ridging and winter cover crops. In: Soil Use and Management, Vol. 40, no.2 (2024). doi:10.1111/sum.13047.
    • Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Saint-Amand, Antoine ; Alaerts, Lauranne ; Hanert, Emmanuel.
      Hurricanes enhance coral connectivity but also superspread coral diseases. In: Global Change Biology, Vol. 30, no.6, p. e17382 (2024). doi:10.5061/dryad.0cfxpnw98.
    • Sounon Orou, Bio Zime ; Adjogboto, André ; Zakari, Sissou ; Tovihoudji, Pierre G. ; Akponikpè, P. B. Irénikatché ; Vanclooster, Marnik.
      Improving rice yield and water productivity in lowland rice systems: A global meta‐analysis exploring the synergy of agro‐ecological practices and water management technologies. In: Irrigation and Drainage, (2024). doi:10.1002/ird.3005.
    • Pathirana, Sashini ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Krishnapillai, Manokararajah ; Cheema, Mumtaz ; Smeaton, Christina ; Galagedara, Lakshman.
      Integrated ground-penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction offer a non-destructive approach to predict soil bulk density in boreal podzolic soil. In: Geoderma, Vol. 450, p. 117028 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117028.
    • Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Holstein, Daniel M. ; Gramer, Lewis J. ; McEachron, Lucas ; Hanert, Emmanuel.
      Investigating the link between the Port of Miami dredging and the onset of the stony coral tissue loss disease epidemics. In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 207, p. 116886 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116886.
    • Barhebwa Balangaliza, Fidèle ; Li, Zimin ; Bragard, Claude ; Vanlauwe, Bernard ; Delvaux, Bruno.
      Is silicon beneficial for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)?. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 500, p. 623-643 (2024). doi:10.1007/s11104-024-06506-z.
    • Lecart, Mathieu ; Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Alaerts, Lauranne ; Randresihaja, Ny Riana ; Mohammed, Aboobacker Valliyil ; Vethamony, Ponnumony ; Hanert, Emmanuel.
      Land reclamation and its consequences: A 40-year analysis of water residence time in Doha Bay, Qatar. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 19, no.1, p. e0296715 (2024). doi:10.5281/zenodo.10453435.
    • Jing, Xin ; Baum, Christel ; Castagneyrol, Bastien ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Ferlian, Olga ; Gebauer, Tobias ; Hajek, Peter ; Jactel, Hervé ; Muys, Bart ; Nock, Charles A. ; Ponette, Quentin ; Rose, Laura ; Saurer, Matthias ; Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael ; Verheyen, Kris ; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad.
      Leaf isotopes reveal tree diversity effects on the functional responses to the pan‐European 2018 summer drought. In: New Phytologist, (2024). doi:10.1111/nph.19931.
    • Maki, Jean-Claude Mateso ; Dewitte, Olivier ; Bielders, Charles.
      Living with landslides: Land use on unstable hillslopes in a rural tropical mountainous environment in DR Congo. In: Science of The Total Environment, , p. 171624 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171624.
    • Henrion, Maud ; Li, Yanfei ; Koganti, Triven ; Bechtold, Michel ; Jonard, François ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Vanacker, Veerle ; Van Oost, Kristof ; Lambot, Sébastien.
      Mapping and monitoring peatlands in the Belgian Hautes Fagnes: Insights from Ground-penetrating radar and Electromagnetic induction characterization. In: Geoderma Regional, Vol. 37, p. e00795 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00795.
    • Vanderborght, Jan ; Couvreur, Valentin ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Leitner, Daniel ; Schnepf, Andrea ; Vereecken, Harry.
      Mechanistically derived macroscopic root water uptake functions: The <i>α</i> and <i>ω</i> of root water uptake functions. In: Vadose Zone Journal, (2024). doi:10.1002/vzj2.20333.
    • Rosillon, Damien Jean ; Jago, Alban ; Huart, Jean Pierre ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Journée, Michel ; Dandrifosse, Sébastien ; Planchon, Viviane.
      Near real-time spatial interpolation of hourly air temperature and humidity for agricultural decision support systems. In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 223, p. 109093 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.compag.2024.109093.
    • Ramah, Mohamed ; Heggy, Essam ; Nasr, Ahmed ; Toni, Mostafa ; Gomaa, Mohamed M. ; Hanert, Emmanuel ; Kotb, Adel.
      Nubian aquifer linkage to the High Aswan Dam Reservoir: Initial assessments of processes and challenges. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 644, p. 131999 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131999.
    • Allakonon, Marsanne ; Tovihoudji, Pierre ; Akponikpè, P.B. Irénikatché ; Bielders, Charles.
      Optimizing deficit irrigation and fertilizer application for off-season maize production in Northern Benin. In: Field Crops Research, Vol. 318, p. 109613 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2024.109613.
    • Pathirana, Sashini ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Krishnapillai, Manokararajah ; Smeaton, Christina ; Cheema, Mumtaz ; Galagedara, Lakshman.
      Potential of ground-penetrating radar to calibrate electromagnetic induction for shallow soil water content estimation. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 633, p. 130957 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130957 (Soumis).
    • Roohi, Ramin ; Attari, Amir Reza ; Majedi, Mohammad Saeed ; Lambot, Sébastien.
      Prediction of Antenna Reflection Coefficient in Presence of Multilayer Media: A Fast Spectral Domain Approach. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 62, p. 1-12 (2024). doi:10.1109/tgrs.2024.3426316.
    • Fouché, Julien ; Hirst, Catherine ; Bonneville, Steeve ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Haghipour, Negar ; Eglinton, Timothy I. ; Vonk, Jorien E. ; Bröder, Lisa.
      Rainfall Impacts Dissolved Organic Matter and Cation Export From Permafrost Catchments and a Glacial River During Late Summer in Northeast Greenland. In: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, (2024). doi:10.1002/ppp.2250.
    • Buron, Maxime ; Porcher, Emmanuelle ; Fédoroff, Eric ; Berrod, Luc ; Vallet, Jeanne ; Bardet, Olivier ; Martin, Gabrielle ; Machon, Nathalie.
      Rapid declines in species diversity and occurrence of common plant species are related to nutrient availability and soil moisture in open habitats. In: Journal of Vegetation Science : official organ of the international association for vegetation science, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 1 (2024). doi:10.1111/jvs.13316 (Accepté/Sous presse).
    • Delval, Louis ; Jonard, François ; Javaux, Mathieu.
      Simultaneous in situ monitoring of belowground, trunk and relative canopy hydraulic conductance of grapevine demonstrates a soil texture-specific transpiration control. In: OENO One, Vol. 58, no.4 (2024). doi:10.20870/oeno-one.2024.58.4.8257.
    • Bouchat, Jean ; Tronquo, Emma (co-first author) ; Orban, Anne ; de Macedo, Karlus A.C. ; Davidson, Malcolm ; Verhoest, Niko E.C. ; Defourny, Pierre.
      The BELSAR dataset: Mono- and bistatic full-pol L-band SAR for agriculture and hydrology. In: Scientific Data, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 513 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03320-1.
    • Lutete Landu, Eric ; Ilombe Mawe, Guy ; Makanzu Imwangana, Fils ; Bielders, Charles ; Dewitte, Olivier ; Poesen, Jean ; Hubert, Aurélia ; Vanmaercke, Matthias.
      The potential of runoff retention structures as a strategy to control urban gullying in tropical cities. In: International Soil and Water Conservation Research, (2024). doi:10.1016/j.iswcr.2024.11.002 (Accepté/Sous presse).
    • Vanneste, Thomas ; Depauw, Leen ; De Lombaerde, Emiel ; Meeussen, Camille ; Govaert, Sanne ; De Pauw, Karen ; Sanczuk, Pieter ; Bollmann, Kurt ; Brunet, Jörg ; Calders, Kim ; Cousins, Sara A. O. ; Diekmann, Martin ; Gasperini, Cristina ; Graae, Bente J. ; Hedwall, Per-Ola ; Iacopetti, Giovanni ; Lenoir, Jonathan ; Lindmo, Sigrid ; Orczewska, Anna ; Ponette, Quentin ; Plue, Jan ; Selvi, Federico ; Spicher, Fabien ; Verbeeck, Hans ; Zellweger, Florian ; Verheyen, Kris ; Vangansbeke, Pieter ; De Frenne, Pieter.
      Trade-offs in biodiversity and ecosystem services between edges and interiors in European forests. In: Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2024). doi:10.1038/s41559-024-02335-6.
    • Decarsin, Renaud ; Guillemot, Joannès ; le Maire, Guerric ; Blondeel, Haben ; Meredieu, Céline ; Achard, Emma ; Bonal, Damien ; Cochard, Hervé ; Corso, Déborah ; Delzon, Sylvain ; Doucet, Zoé ; Druel, Arsène ; Grossiord, Charlotte ; Torres‐Ruiz, José Manuel ; Bauhus, Jürgen ; Godbold, Douglas L. ; Hajek, Peter ; Jactel, Hervé ; Jensen, Joel ; Mereu, Simone ; Ponette, Quentin ; Rewald, Boris ; Ruffault, Julien ; Sandén, Hans ; Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael ; Serrano‐León, Hernán ; Simioni, Guillaume ; Verheyen, Kris ; Werner, Ramona ; Martin‐StPaul, Nicolas.
      Tree drought–mortality risk depends more on intrinsic species resistance than on stand species diversity. In: Global Change Biology, Vol. 30, no.9 (2024). doi:10.1111/gcb.17503.
    • Wang, Mengxi ; Baeten, Lander ; Van Coillie, Frieke ; Calders, Kim ; Verheyen, Kris ; Ponette, Quentin ; Blondeel, Haben ; Muys, Bart ; Armston, John ; Verbeeck, Hans.
      Tree species identity and interaction determine vertical forest structure in young planted forests measured by terrestrial laser scanning. In: Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 11, p. 100196 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100196.
    • Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice ; Frendy Koropitan, Alan .
      Wavelet-based analysis of hydro-climatic and vegetation dynamics in heterogeneous agro-climatic zones of East Africa. In: Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 15, no.8, p. 4054-4075 (2024). doi:10.2166/wcc.2024.257.
    • Mawe, Guy Ilombe ; Landu, Eric Lutete ; Imwangana, Fils Makanzu ; Hubert, Aurélia ; Dille, Antoine ; Bielders, Charles ; Poesen, Jean ; Dewitte, Olivier ; Vanmaercke, Matthias.
      What controls the expansion of urban gullies in tropical environments? Lessons learned from contrasting cities in D.R. Congo. In: CATENA, Vol. 241, p. 108055 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.catena.2024.108055.
    • Carminati, Andrea ; Javaux, Mathieu.
      When is a soil too dry for plants to take up water?. In: Nature, (2024). doi:10.1038/d41586-024-03764-w.
    • Nelson, J. A., Walther, S., Gans, F., Kraft, B., Weber, U., Novick, K., Buchmann, N., Migliavacca, M., Wohlfahrt, G., Šigut, L.,.
      X-BASE: the first terrestrial carbon and water flux products from an extended data-driven scaling framework, FLUXCOM-X. In: Biogeosciences, Vol. 21, no.22, p. 5079-5115 (2024). doi:
    • 2023
      Harper, Kandice L. ; Lamarche, Céline ; Hartley, Andrew ; Peylin, Philippe ; Ottlé, Catherine ; Bastrikov, Vladislav ; San Martín, Rodrigo ; Bohnenstengel, Sylvia I. ; Kirches, Grit ; Boettcher, Martin ; Shevchuk, Roman ; Brockmann, Carsten ; Defourny, Pierre.
      A 29-year time series of annual 300 m resolution plant-functional-type maps for climate models. In: Earth System Science Data, Vol. 15, no.3, p. 1465-1499 (2023). doi:10.5194/essd-15-1465-2023. doi:
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      Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters in the Field by Integrated Hydrogeophysical Inversion of Time-Lapse Ground-Penetrating Radar Data. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 11, no.4 (23.11.2012). doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0177.
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    • Sangaré, Sheick ; Compaore, Emmanuel ; Buerket, Andreas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sedogo, Michel P. ; Bielders, Charles.
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      High-resolution imaging of a vineyard in south of France using ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction and electrical resistivity tomography. In: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 78, p. 113-122. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.08.002.
    • Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik.
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