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Funding : Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS grant n°T.0119.21
The objective of the project is to analyze experimentally and numerically the chemical kinetics of the combustion of oxygenated molecules called OMEs (oxymethylene dimethyl ethers) considered as potential fuels of the future. These synthetic fuels are produced from renewable electricity, hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and can therefore be considered as e-fuels. However, weaknesses in the kinetics of these oxygenates are observed and demonstrate the need for experimental data to establish kinetic sub-mechanisms for each of these species.
The first part of the project focuses on the molecule OME1 (called methylal), already studied by the research group to test the reliability and validity of the new experimental device. Next, the research will focus on the slightly more complex molecules: OME2 and OME3, tested in diesel engines and whose presence reduces soot and NOx emissions.
In order to develop a detailed kinetic mechanism for these compounds, the experimental flame structures of these e-fuels will be studied at low pressure. The flames will be stabilized on a burner in order to detect and measure, using the new Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer (MBMS), the concentrations of the species produced and consumed during the combustion of these molecules. This MBMS will make it possible to identify the many reaction intermediates, in particular radicals, which are highly unstable species and essential in combustion kinetics.
Beyond the experimental results, the interest of the project is to develop detailed sub-mechanisms for these OMEs that can be integrated into complete kinetic models, including that of the UCL. This research will make it possible to develop a kinetic mechanism that can be used as is or reduced before its integration in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) numerical simulation models.
Funding : DeSIRA (EU) et AFD (France)
BioStar vise à promouvoir un développement durable des PME de transformation agroalimentaires dans les zones rurales grâce à l'innovation dans la production de bioénergie durable et l'optimisation de la transformation des aliments. BioStar vise également à faire émerger un secteur bioénergie en suscitant une organisation et un cadre de concertation pour ce secteur.
Concrètement BioStar se focalise sur l’appui à l'innovation technique et organisationnelle et une gestion pluridisciplinaire des connaissances au travers :
The ENERBIO project aims to increase expertise in Wallonia in the generation of biofuels (liquid and gaseous) from different sources of biomass and in their valorisation in energy systems, and to improve the carbon balance of particularly energy-intensive processes. Fuel treatment by thermochemical processes will focus on the influence of steam injection in gasification to increase its efficiency and the value of the producer gas. The methodology will be primarily experimental and focused on operating an existing gasification facility to be transformed.