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News and Updates

immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

Regular news and updates on the project and the competition will be posted here.

If you want to receive a message for news and updates, please register your email address

UPDATE 4 (2022.09.28) :

We would like to thank those who recently participated in our blind prediction competition. We are in the final stages of preparing the report, which we will release in conjunction with a live video presentation summarizing the tests and results.

Everyone is welcome to join us for a video presentation, which will be held via Microsoft Teams on Monday 10th October at 3pm (CET, Brussels time). The organizers endeavored to find a timeslot that was reasonable for all, as we have participants from all over the world. We apologize in advance if this time slot is inconvenient for your location. We will be recording this presentation for those who cannot attend and we will make this video available online via our website in the days that follow.

The link to the video presentation on Teams can be found below. For those who do not have a Microsoft Teams account, you can either download the program or join using the web application (i.e., no download required). Supporting information for this can be found here:

The presentation will focus on a summary of the testing of UW1 and UW2, the failure modes observed, and a brief overview of some of the estimates provided by the participants. The winners will also be announced, and they will have an opportunity to briefly present the methods used to simulate the wall units. The report will be emailed to all participants and registered users at the end of the presentation, which will also be available on the website.

If you have any questions or queries, please email me at

We look forward to seeing you on Monday 10th October!

Kind Regards,


Ryan and João




Microsoft Teams meeting – Monday 10th October at 3pm (CET)

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 318 543 223 465
Passcode: J9q4t2

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UPDATE 3 (2022.06.25): The document "Test_description.pdf" is updated with the stress-strain curve of unit UW2, as well as the corresponding Young's modulus.

UPDATE 2 (2022.06.09): The document "Test_description.pdf" is updated with more complete information regarding the concrete properties and reinforcement cage of UW2, the exact values of the applied axial load for UW1 and UW2, etc.

UPDATE 1 (2022.05.30): The document "Test_description.pdf" is updated with the complete information regarding the concrete properties and reinforcement cage of UW1, as well as preliminary concrete properties of UW2. DEADLINE for submission: Saturday August 13 at 12:00 AM (CEST)