Fast grip force adaptation to friction relies on localized fingerpad strains
ions | Bruxelles Woluwe, Louvain-la-Neuve
Congratulations to Benoit Delhaye, Félicien Schiltz, Frédéric Crevecoeur, Jean-Louis Thonnard and Philippe Lefèvre for their recent publication in Science Advances.
During object manipulation, humans adjust the grip force to friction, such that slippery objects are squeezed more firmly than sticky ones. This essential mechanism to keep a stable grasp relies on feedback from tactile afferents innervating the fingertips, that are sensitive to local skin strains. This paper demonstrates that this feedback originates from skin-object interface and strain patterns before lift-off of objects. This allows the nervous system to quickly adjust the contact forces to the frictional properties of manipulated objects.
[Publication associated to the GRIP project supported by Belspo]
Link to the original manuscript: Science Advances 10, eadh9344 (2024)