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Chiara Arina will be coordinator of research projects for the IRMP

irmp | Louvain-la-Neuve

6 December 2024

The IRMP, thanks also to the support of the Science and Technology sector of UCLouvain, will welcome from April 2021 Dr. Chiara Arina, who has been selected by the UCLouvain research council as coordinator of research projects for the institute.
Chiara Arina is currently a researcher in theoretical physics working on dark matter at the CP3 center of the IRMP. This new role of coordinator of research projects aims to support IRMP researchers in particular in the identification of external funding for research projects, the coordination of responses to calls for funding, the contribution to project writing, the overall monitoring of projects in their different phases in close collaboration with the general services of the university, the development of interdisciplinary initiatives, and the promotion of the IRMP research results.