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Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace invited speaker at the ICM 2022

irmp | Louvain-la-Neuve

6 December 2024

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, professor at the IRMP and honorary senior research associate of the F.R.S.-FNRS, will be an Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) that will take place in Saint Petersburg in July 2022. The ICM is the most important conference in mathematics, and one of the oldest scientific congresses: it takes place every four years, organized by the International Mathematical Union, and gathers thousands of mathematicians from all over the world.

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace is an internationally renowned mathematician, whose main contributions pertain to group theory, with a special focus on the structure of locally compact groups. At the ICM in Saint Petersburg he will give a joint invited lecture with professor George Willis (University of Newcastle, Australia) in the Algebra section of the congress. 

Professor Michel Van den Bergh (VUB, University of Hasselt, FWO), a geometer who is a member of the Advisory Scientific Committee of the IRMP, will be one of the Plenary Speakers at the ICM 2022