Recap of Laetitia Spetschinsky's Master Class on Eurasian Geopolitic
ispole | Louvain-la-Neuve

During this Master Class led by Laetitia Spetschinsky, participants embarked on a virtual journey around Russia's borders, exploring the geopolitical dynamics of Eurasia. The journey began in Norway and the Arctic coast, focusing on the resources and militarization of the Arctic. Then, the Asian borders from Japan to Mongolia and Kazakhstan were analyzed, with particular attention to hydrocarbons and energy issues.
Crossing the Caucasus Mountains, participants studied regional conflicts and unrecognized borders before delving into NATO-Russia relations, hybrid threats, and geopolitical dynamics in Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states. This Master Class offered a comprehensive immersion into the geopolitical issues of Eurasia, providing an in-depth understanding of international relations and regional challenges.
Thank you to Laetitia Spetschinsky for her expertise and to the participants for their engagement!