Conference - The time of territories
cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
December 2014: The Time of Judges
With a colloquium bearing this title, the EDEM concluded a four-year research project on the transposition of the European "right of asylum" into domestic law. We concluded our reflections by turning to the judges who are faced with a triple challenge. To define the contours of the numerous exceptions and special regimes, notably at the borders. To rule at the intersection of norms of various origins. To decide in a politically sensitive context. Faced with these challenges, jurisprudence was going to have to ensure a balance between collective and individual interests, an approach supported by a constant dialogue between institutions and between jurisdictions.
2022 : Eight Years Later
This search for balance is confronted with a return to sovereignty and a rhetoric focused on territories rather than people; on restrictions rather than rights, whether substantive or procedural, collective or individual. Law without politics or politics without law, immigration seems to be moving further and further away from the rules of the rule of law both in form, in terms of methods, and in substance, jeopardizing the search for, the safeguarding and the fundamental protection of human rights. Faced with a population weakened by mobility, the widening of the meshes of the protection net, patiently built, raises questions.
This colloquium, devoted to the Time of Territories, aims to explore the polymorphous effects of territories and borders in migration law. The closures question the ability to think rationally and with humanity about mobility. The reflection intends to confront the reality from which it cannot be abstracted, but also to discuss possible alternatives.
The conference brings together specialists in immigration law from different geographical and professional backgrounds, while integrating the indispensable perspective of disciplines that study trajectories from a quantitative or qualitative perspective. Crossed views on immigration are essential to their understanding as a global phenomenon that must be apprehended in its diversity in time and space. In the background of these reflections, the central question would be to verify if the territories, with their diverse forms and definitions, remain places of humanity and rights for those who live there or who try to go there and make their way.
Program (PDF version)
9 May – Morning
Seminar for young researchers
Room Jean Dabin
Organization : Eleonora Frasca (with Francesca Raimondo, Francesco Gatta)
L’UE et ses frontières physiques et virtuelles
Call for papers
9 May – Afternoon
Introduction : Du temps des juges au temps des territoires
Pr. Sylvie Sarolea (UCLouvain) |
Le temps des juges, un bilan – Chair: Pr. Patrick Wautelet (Univ. Liège)
Coffee break
Le dialogue des juges – Chair: Pr. Jean-Yves Carlier (UCLouvain)
Conference - debate |
Introduction : Recteur (Vincent Blondel) ou Pro-rectrice (Dana Samson) NC Chair: Hadja Lahbib François Crépeau, McGill University Sammy Mahdi, Secr. d’état à l’asile et à l’immigration. |
10 May: Day Two : The Time of Territories
Le droit face aux territoires
Le retour des territoires se décline aux frontières – Dr. Emmanuelle Néraudau (Univ. Nantes, Barreau de Nantes)
Expressions en kaléidoscope des logiques territoriales dans le temps et l’espace
Coffe Break
Les effets polymorphes du territoire en droit – Chair: Pr Ellen Desmet (Univ. Gent)
Ce panorama est-il le signe du « retour des territoires » ? – Pr. Thibaut Fleury-Graff (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
Discutants :
Lunch: sandwiches
Les effets polymorphes du territoire sur l’aptitude à penser les mobilités – Pr. Trésor Maheshe (Univ. Catholique Bukavu)
Aux frontières du droit : retour au réel – Pr. Delphine Nakache (Univ. Ottawa) confirmé
Coffee Break
Une autre gouvernance de la mobilité – Pr. Mohamed Amarti
Conclusions – Pr. Pierre d’Argent (UCLouvain)
There are a few possibilities for accomodations in Louvain-la-Neuve. Remember to book a room early if you plan on staying in Louvain-la-Neuve, as some hotels can quickly be fully booked.
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