Press release: thesis of Trésor Maheshe Musole
cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
Just out of the press, the thesis defended at UCLouvain by Trésor Maheshe Musole, now Professor at the Catholic University of Bukavu.
Refugee status and political rights
In search of a compromise in international law
with a preface by Sylvie Sarolea and an afterword by Denis Mukwege
Advocacy for Residential Citizenship for the "Nonstate".
The refugee, exiled from his nation and a stranger elsewhere, finds himself excluded from political life not because of the faults he might be accused of, but because of his membership in a social group. International law does not guarantee him a place in the political community of the host country and the country of origin. Based on Hannah Arendt's thought of ensuring that the "stateless" and "without rights" can exist politically, this book proposes a compromise between refugee status and political rights in the international legal order.
After an examination of the norms in force, the author concludes that there is no compromise between refugee status and political rights in the strict sense (right to vote and to stand for election). Faced with this impasse, this book envisages the end of refugee status through naturalization and voluntary repatriation. However, the two avenues of solution to which this work leads do not give refugees the right to have a political community. In order to restore a place in the political community, the book advocates citizenship of residence.
This book is addressed to all practitioners and actors of the law of foreigners, but also to all those interested in the problems of international law and human rights, as well as in general by the realities of the African continent.
Link to the book :