Vidéo | Pr. Jean-Yves Carlier: The judge as a key player in International Migration Law
cedie | Louvain-la-Neuve
This short video summarizes Jean-Yves CARLIER's analysis of the key role of the judge as the “voice of the voiceless” and as an actor in safeguarding the fundamental rights of migrants, in the search for a delicate balance of interests between sovereignty and human rights. It was produced on the occasion of an inaugural lecture at the University of Palermo, as part of the Migrations and Rights degree organized by Prof. Massimo Starita.
Jean-Yves Carlier is Professor Emeritus of the Universities of Louvain and Liège. He has been a member of EDEM (Equipe droits et migrations) at UCLouvain since its creation. His teaching and research focus on the condition of individuals in various areas of law, including Private International Law, European Law and Human Rights. His recent publications include the book Libre circulation des personnes et politique migratoire dans l'Union européenne. Trente ans de jurisprudence commentée, Bruylant, 2024; and the article with Eleonora Frasca, "The Best Interests of the Child in the ECJ Asylum and Migration Case Law: Towards a Safeguard Principle for the Genuine Enjoyment of the Substance of Children's Rights?", Common Market Law Review, vol. 60, no. 2, 2023, pp. 345-390.