Alexandra DEGRAEVE - Thesis defence
ldri | Bruxelles Woluwe
Alexandra DEGRAEVE, PharmacoMetrics, pharmacogenomics and pharmacokinetics – PMGK and Metabolism and Nutrition - MNut
Tacrolimus pharmacokinetics and gut microbiota: From mechanistic to clinical investigations
Promotor: Prof. Laure Elens. Co-promotor: Prof. Laure Bindels
Related references:
- Degraeve, A. L., Moudio, S., Haufroid, V., Chaib Eddour, D., Mourad, M., Bindels, L. B., & Elens, L. (2020). Predictors of tacrolimus pharmacokinetic variability: current evidences and future perspectives. Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology, 16(9), 769-782.
- Degraeve, A. L., Haufroid, V., Loriot, A., Gatto, L., Andries, V., Vereecke, L., Elens, L. & Bindels, L. B. (2023). Gut microbiome modulates tacrolimus pharmacokinetics through the transcriptional regulation of ABCB1. Microbiome, 11(1), 1-20.
- Degraeve, A. L., Bindels, L. B., Haufroid, V., Moudio, S., Boland, L., Delongie, K.-A., Dewulf, J., Chaib Eddour, D., Mourad, M., & Elens, L. Tacrolimus pharmacokinetics is associated with gut microbiota diversity in kidney transplant patients: results from a pilot cross-sectional study. Submitted in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2023).
This thesis defence took place on August 30, 2023.