Ariane MWEMA - Thesis defence
ldri | Bruxelles Woluwe
Ariane MWEMA - Avanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials (ADDB) and Bioanalysis and Pharmacology of Bioactive Lipids (BPBL)
Nose-to-brain delivery of nanomedicines to stimulate remyelination in the scope of multiple sclerosis
Promotor: Prof. Anne des Rieux - Copromotor : Prof. Giulio Muccioli
Related references:
- Mwema A., Bottemanne P., Paquot A., Ucakar B., Vanvarenberg K., Alhouayek M., Muccioli G.G., des Rieux A, Lipid nanocapsules for the nose-to-brain delivery of the anti-inflammatory bioactive lipid PGD2-G, Nanomedicine, 2022, 102633.
- Mwema A., Labrak Y., Gratpain V., Ucakar B., Vanvarenberg K., Muccioli G.G., des Rieux A., Impact of calcitriol and PGD2-G-loaded lipid nanocapsules on OPC differentiation and remyelination (submitted).
- Mwema A., Muccioli G.G., des Rieux A., New drug delivery strategies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (submitted).
This thesis defence took place on April 25, 2023.