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IRES Job Market Candidates

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Meet our researchers on the job market.


Portrait of Natalia Bermudez
Natalia Bermúdez-Barrezueta

Job Market Paper: Protecting Jobs and Firms: The Impact of Short-Time Work during the COVID-19 Crisis in Belgium

Research Interests: micro-econometrics, labor economics. 

Portrait of Diego Malo RicoDiego Malo Rico

Job Market Paper: Ethnic Remoteness Reduces the Peace Dividend from Trade Access

Research Interests: Identity, Conflict, Development Economics, Political Economy

portrait of Giulia TarulloGiulia Tarullo

Job Market Paper: Experience Rating in Short-Time Work

Research Interests: Labour Economics, Micro-econometrics, Public Economics

Portrait of Tiziano TonioloTiziano Toniolo

Job Market Paper: In-work benefits and eligibility based on wage rates: the effects on time worked

Research Interests: Labour Economics, Micro-econometrics, Macro-labour

Portrait of ZanardelloChiara Zanardello

Job Market Paper: Early Modern Academies, Universities and Growth

Research Interests : Applied Microeconomics, Economic History, Human Capital, Migration, Long-term Growth

Portrait of Jing-Rong ZengJing-Rong (Rosa)Zeng

Job Market Paper: Beggar Thy Neighbor? Illicit Gold Trade and Conflict in the African Great Lakes Region

Research Interests: Natural Resources and Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Development Economics, Political Economy