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Research Project Coordinator

ires |

29 September 2021, modified on 7 December 2024

The Human Science Sector is looking for a research project coordinator.


Main working site:  Louvain-la-Neuve (occasional visits to the Mons site are possible)

Part-time contract (typically 50%) for a period of three years (renewable)
Starting date: as soon as possible



The Research Project Coordinator will be responsible for promoting externally funded research (e.g. European Commission) for the following three UCLouvain research institutes: Institute for Language and Communication (ILC), Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM) and Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LRIM). S.he will also work with the administrative coordinators, the heads of the accounting units of the institutes and the general services of the university (particularly its research administration (ADRE), finance administration (ADFI), human resources administration (ARH) and international relations administration (ADRI)). The research project coordinator will also network with other research project coordinators in the sector to share good practice and resources, promote a sector-wide approach and encourage transdisciplinarity.

More information

Submission deadline : October 10, 2021