Corresponding Members
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Patrick Bogaert
SST/AGRO Faculty of bioscience engineering (AGRO)
SST/ELI Earth and Life Institute (ELI)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SST/ELI/ELIE Environmental Sciences (ELIE)
Cédric Heuchenne
SSH/ESPB Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences and Communication Saint-Louis (ESPO-SaintLouis)
SSH/IRIS Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire Saint-Louis (IRIS-L)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
Annie Robert
SSS/FSP Faculty of Public Health (FSP)
SSS/IREC Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique (IREC)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSS/IREC/EPID Pôle d'épidémiologie et biostatistique (EPID)
Postal address
EPID - Ecole de Santé PubliqueB1.30.13
Clos Chapelle-aux-champs 30
1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Marco Saerens
SSH/LSM Louvain School of Management (LSM)
SST/ICTM Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM)
SSH/LRIM Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LouRIM)
SST/ICTM/INGI Pôle en ingénierie informatique (INGI)
Sébastien Van Bellegem
SSH/ESPO Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO)
SSH/ESPO/ECON Ecole des Sciences économiques/Economics School of Louvain (ECON)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSH/IDAM/CORE Center for operations research and econometrics (CORE)
Michel Verleysen
SST/EPL Louvain School of Engineering (EPL)
SST/ICTM Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM)
SST/ICTM/ELEN Pôle en ingénierie électrique (ELEN)
Research Associates
Peter Hieber