Imaging Platform (2IP)
pftplus |
Technical and scientific expertise
- Preparation of biological samples (paraffin and frozen sections, histological staining and immunostaining, including multiplex TSA)
- Image acquisition (whole slide imaging, 2D and 3D fluorescence microscopy)
- Image analysis (2D and 3D images, 2D whole slide images)
Main equipment
- Three microtomes (Microm HM340E, with STS and Coolcut), one cryostat (Leica CM1950), one IHC autostainer (Leica Bond RXm) and one splicer (Sakura);
- Two high-throughput brightfield slide scanners (Leica SCN400 and 3DHistech ScanII)
- One high-throughput fluorescence, brightfield and polarised light slide scanner configured for multiplex imaging (seven colours) (Zeiss Axioscan.z1)
- One inverse confocal microscope equipped with four lasers, VSDs, two GaAsp detectors and one Airyscan detector, allowing the imaging of fixed or living samples (Zeiss LSM800)
- One fluorescence upright microscope (four colours) equipped with an ApoTome module (Zeiss AxioImager.z1/ApoTome1)
- One light sheet microscope, equipped with four lasers and two cameras, allowing 3D imaging of fixed/transparent or live fluorescent samples (Zeiss Lightsheet.z1)
- Software: Visiopharm Author, Indicalabs Halo, Arivis4D, Imaris, ZEN blue, ImageJ/Fiji, QuPath
- Whole slide scanning
- 2D and 3D fluorescence microscopy
- Polarised light microscopy
Services available to
- UCLouvain students, researchers and clinicians
- Non-UCLouvain parties