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Economie circulaire by Vincent Truyens22 NovVincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"En savoir plusEconomie circulaire by Vincent Truyens22 NovVincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"
Physically based hydrological modelling and High Performance Computing: why and how? by Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)14 NovHydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing environment, and the interest of having virtual laboratories for hypothesis testing.En savoir plusPhysically based hydrological modelling and High Performance Computing: why and how? by Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième (Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)14 NovHydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing environment, and the interest of having virtual laboratories for hypothesis testing.
Mulching Effect on Water Consumption Components and Water Use Efficiency of Dry Land Maize by Xvlun Man10 NovAdopting alternative field management practices such as mulching practices, subsurface irrigation and crop residue retention to inhibit unproductive water loss for increasing water use efficiency is one of the main objectives for innovating agricultural water management. Evaluating the most reliable mulching type and practice in the Loess Plateau of Northwest China is of great importance forEn savoir plusMulching Effect on Water Consumption Components and Water Use Efficiency of Dry Land Maize by Xvlun Man10 NovAdopting alternative field management practices such as mulching practices, subsurface irrigation and crop residue retention to inhibit unproductive water loss for increasing water use efficiency is one of the main objectives for innovating agricultural water management. Evaluating the most reliable mulching type and practice in the Loess Plateau of Northwest China is of great importance for
How humans have genetically modified nature by Beth Shapira10 NovSimon Braem 'll introduce the movieEn savoir plusHow humans have genetically modified nature by Beth Shapira10 NovSimon Braem 'll introduce the movie
Celebration of Jacques Mahillon’s emeritus10 NovOn November 10, 2022, you are cordially invited to participate in a small symposium organized as part of my Emeritus. This scientific meeting aims to take up the main themes developed in our laboratory over the past 30 years. They will be illustrated by colleagues, from here and elsewhere, experts in these fields. Presentations will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.En savoir plusCelebration of Jacques Mahillon’s emeritus10 NovOn November 10, 2022, you are cordially invited to participate in a small symposium organized as part of my Emeritus. This scientific meeting aims to take up the main themes developed in our laboratory over the past 30 years. They will be illustrated by colleagues, from here and elsewhere, experts in these fields. Presentations will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Crop vulnerability to tephra fall in volcanic regions: field, experimental and modelling approaches by Noa Ligot09 NovApproximately 800 million people populate areas within 100 km of a potentially active volcano. Since the beginning of human settlements, communities in volcanically active regions have enjoyed various benefits from volcanic eruptions, notably the occurrence of volcanic soils with outstanding agricultural capabilities.En savoir plusCrop vulnerability to tephra fall in volcanic regions: field, experimental and modelling approaches by Noa Ligot09 NovApproximately 800 million people populate areas within 100 km of a potentially active volcano. Since the beginning of human settlements, communities in volcanically active regions have enjoyed various benefits from volcanic eruptions, notably the occurrence of volcanic soils with outstanding agricultural capabilities.
Monitoring forest degradation patterns using multi-resolution spatial approaches by Beatriz Gobbi09 NovThe subtropical dry forests of South-America have been impacted by deforestation and degradation over the last two centuries. The forests still provide important ecosystem services but overexploitation of the forested ecosystems may lead to irreversible loss of provision and regulation services.En savoir plusMonitoring forest degradation patterns using multi-resolution spatial approaches by Beatriz Gobbi09 NovThe subtropical dry forests of South-America have been impacted by deforestation and degradation over the last two centuries. The forests still provide important ecosystem services but overexploitation of the forested ecosystems may lead to irreversible loss of provision and regulation services.
Insights into key steps of DNA transfer and the host spectrum of the large conjugative plasmid pXO16 from Bacillus thuringiensis sv. israelensis by Pauline Hinnekens09 NovHorizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays a crucial role in shaping bacterial populations and communities. Among others, conjugation is a key mechanism of HGT and participates in the transfer of genetic material, mainly plasmids, between mating partners that are in direct contact with one another.En savoir plusInsights into key steps of DNA transfer and the host spectrum of the large conjugative plasmid pXO16 from Bacillus thuringiensis sv. israelensis by Pauline Hinnekens09 NovHorizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays a crucial role in shaping bacterial populations and communities. Among others, conjugation is a key mechanism of HGT and participates in the transfer of genetic material, mainly plasmids, between mating partners that are in direct contact with one another.
Grande Accélération et Transition Socio-Ecologique - Quel rôle pour l'Innovation Technologique dans l'Anthropocène? by David Bol08 NovDavid Bol : Grande Accélération et Transition Socio-Ecologique - Quel rôle pour l'Innovation Technologique dans l'Anthropocène?En savoir plusGrande Accélération et Transition Socio-Ecologique - Quel rôle pour l'Innovation Technologique dans l'Anthropocène? by David Bol08 NovDavid Bol : Grande Accélération et Transition Socio-Ecologique - Quel rôle pour l'Innovation Technologique dans l'Anthropocène?
Biogeochemical cycling of manganese in forest ecosystems by Romain Duquenne08 NovManganese (Mn) is involved in the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) via redox reactions, which gives it a significant role in the terrestrial carbon cycle. It is also strongly recycled by vegetation in forest ecosystems, but the influence of tree species, as well as climate and soil, on Mn fluxes to the soil remains poorly characterised.En savoir plusBiogeochemical cycling of manganese in forest ecosystems by Romain Duquenne08 NovManganese (Mn) is involved in the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) via redox reactions, which gives it a significant role in the terrestrial carbon cycle. It is also strongly recycled by vegetation in forest ecosystems, but the influence of tree species, as well as climate and soil, on Mn fluxes to the soil remains poorly characterised.