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A novel phenotyping pipeline for root system architecture. Evaluation with diversity panels of bread and durum wheat by Clothilde Collet06 SepPlant root systems are responsible for the capture of soil water and minerals essential for their growth. With the need to reduce fertiliser use and improve resilience to extreme climate events, improving resource capture efficiency has become a hot topic in agriculture.En savoir plusA novel phenotyping pipeline for root system architecture. Evaluation with diversity panels of bread and durum wheat by Clothilde Collet06 SepPlant root systems are responsible for the capture of soil water and minerals essential for their growth. With the need to reduce fertiliser use and improve resilience to extreme climate events, improving resource capture efficiency has become a hot topic in agriculture.
Evolution of seasonal plasticity across space'n time bu Karl Gotthard (Stockholm university)05 Sep
Personality variation in the butterfly Pararge aegeria: the role of landscape, age and contest ability by Aurélien Kaiser05 SepUrbanization and agriculture are strongly modifying natural ecosystems and these land use changes are now considered as major drivers of biodiversity change. Yet, some species appear to be able to deal with human-created environments.En savoir plusPersonality variation in the butterfly Pararge aegeria: the role of landscape, age and contest ability by Aurélien Kaiser05 SepUrbanization and agriculture are strongly modifying natural ecosystems and these land use changes are now considered as major drivers of biodiversity change. Yet, some species appear to be able to deal with human-created environments.
Spatial epidemiology and One Health: how can we address zoonotic diseases at the human-animal-environment interface?31 Aug10h to 12h: Open to all Prof. Julianne Meisner, University of Washington, Department of Global Health “Livestock and the epidemiology of sleeping sickness: mechanisms and implications” Julianne Meisner is a veterinarian and epidemiologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington.En savoir plusSpatial epidemiology and One Health: how can we address zoonotic diseases at the human-animal-environment interface?31 Aug10h to 12h: Open to all Prof. Julianne Meisner, University of Washington, Department of Global Health “Livestock and the epidemiology of sleeping sickness: mechanisms and implications” Julianne Meisner is a veterinarian and epidemiologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington.
Xylella fastidiosa, a fastidious phytobacterium threatening northern temperate Europe : Insight into potential pathosystems by Noemi Casarin26 AugXylella fastidiosa, a plant pathogenic bacterium colonizing xylem and transmitted by insects, is involved in severe outbreaks worldwide. X. fastidiosa establishes in a wide range of conditions including different host plants and vector species, making it highly unpredictable in not yet colonized areas.En savoir plusXylella fastidiosa, a fastidious phytobacterium threatening northern temperate Europe : Insight into potential pathosystems by Noemi Casarin26 AugXylella fastidiosa, a plant pathogenic bacterium colonizing xylem and transmitted by insects, is involved in severe outbreaks worldwide. X. fastidiosa establishes in a wide range of conditions including different host plants and vector species, making it highly unpredictable in not yet colonized areas.
Combining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels: Application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta by Joko Sampurno19 AugThe Kapuas River delta (KRD) is a low-lying marshy delta on the western coast of Borneo Island, Indonesia. In the last decades, palm oil cultivation and forest fires have encroached on the Kapuas water catchment areas, changing the Kapuas hydrological regime and triggering more intense flooding in the KRD.En savoir plusCombining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels: Application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta by Joko Sampurno19 AugThe Kapuas River delta (KRD) is a low-lying marshy delta on the western coast of Borneo Island, Indonesia. In the last decades, palm oil cultivation and forest fires have encroached on the Kapuas water catchment areas, changing the Kapuas hydrological regime and triggering more intense flooding in the KRD.
Préservons le futur : la mycothèque de l’UCLouvain au Palais royal23 Jul28 AugLa mycothèque de l’UCLouvain est mise à l’honneur cet été dans l’exposition Sciences & Culture au Palais organisée par la Politique scientifique fédérale (Belspo).En savoir plusPréservons le futur : la mycothèque de l’UCLouvain au Palais royal23 Jul28 AugLa mycothèque de l’UCLouvain est mise à l’honneur cet été dans l’exposition Sciences & Culture au Palais organisée par la Politique scientifique fédérale (Belspo).
Monitoring hydro-sedimentary flows at the scale of small representative rural catchments in Wallonia" by Nathan Henin07 Jul
Fractional diffusion models for epidemiological and immunological applications by Afshin Farhadi06 JulLévy flights are a specific model of random walks that appear to be ubiquitous across many different fields where the dispersal process is faster than dictated by Brownian motion. Lévy flights consist of a succession of random displacements whose step lengths have a heavy-tailed probability distribution.En savoir plusFractional diffusion models for epidemiological and immunological applications by Afshin Farhadi06 JulLévy flights are a specific model of random walks that appear to be ubiquitous across many different fields where the dispersal process is faster than dictated by Brownian motion. Lévy flights consist of a succession of random displacements whose step lengths have a heavy-tailed probability distribution.
Modeling paleosol formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Quaternary interglacials by Mme Keerthika Nirmani Ranathunga Arachchige30 JunPaleosols, developed under the influence of past environmental conditions, are considerably valuable archives of past environments and soil formation. The Chinese Loess Plateau has a vertical alternation of Aeolian sediment (loess) and paleosols formed therein. These paleosols were formed during the interglacials, including the Quaternary.En savoir plusModeling paleosol formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Quaternary interglacials by Mme Keerthika Nirmani Ranathunga Arachchige30 JunPaleosols, developed under the influence of past environmental conditions, are considerably valuable archives of past environments and soil formation. The Chinese Loess Plateau has a vertical alternation of Aeolian sediment (loess) and paleosols formed therein. These paleosols were formed during the interglacials, including the Quaternary.