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Les secrets d'une assistante à la retraite : partage de pratiques pour réinventer les séances d'exercices09 JunÊtes-vous prêt à révolutionner votre approche pédagogique et offrir à vos étudiants une expérience d'apprentissage exceptionnelle ? Rejoignez notre séminaire captivant sur les pratiques pédagogiques d’une assistante à la retraite ! Durant 30 minutes vous participerez à une exploration fascinante des pratiques testées durant 5 ans avec des étudiants ingénieurs.En savoir plusLes secrets d'une assistante à la retraite : partage de pratiques pour réinventer les séances d'exercices09 JunÊtes-vous prêt à révolutionner votre approche pédagogique et offrir à vos étudiants une expérience d'apprentissage exceptionnelle ? Rejoignez notre séminaire captivant sur les pratiques pédagogiques d’une assistante à la retraite ! Durant 30 minutes vous participerez à une exploration fascinante des pratiques testées durant 5 ans avec des étudiants ingénieurs.
Control of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric prostheses using invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces05 JunThe traces of amputations and those of the tools/apparatus proposed, designed and manufactured to replace the lost upper or lower limbs can be found in Antiquity. Amputees and/or tetraplegics have varying degrees of disability and anatomical dysfunction. However, existing upper arm prosthetics, particularly the prosthetic hands, are quite far from being able to substitute the lost functions.En savoir plusControl of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric prostheses using invasive and non-invasive Brain Machine Interfaces05 JunThe traces of amputations and those of the tools/apparatus proposed, designed and manufactured to replace the lost upper or lower limbs can be found in Antiquity. Amputees and/or tetraplegics have varying degrees of disability and anatomical dysfunction. However, existing upper arm prosthetics, particularly the prosthetic hands, are quite far from being able to substitute the lost functions.
In-situ following of damage in titanium alloys obtained by laser powder bed fusion: effect of work hardening capacity02 JunThe advent of additive manufacturing has opened the door to the production of previously inaccessible geometries.En savoir plusIn-situ following of damage in titanium alloys obtained by laser powder bed fusion: effect of work hardening capacity02 JunThe advent of additive manufacturing has opened the door to the production of previously inaccessible geometries.
On tensegrity structures for civil engineering applications by Jonas FERON26 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Tensegrity – otherwise known as the art of floating bars in an ocean of cables – has fascinated a large scientific community for decades, though very few structures have been built.En savoir plusOn tensegrity structures for civil engineering applications by Jonas FERON26 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Tensegrity – otherwise known as the art of floating bars in an ocean of cables – has fascinated a large scientific community for decades, though very few structures have been built.
A 3D printed film for joints: integrated manufacturing, toughening and properties tuning26 MayMany complex structures such as airplanes are made of dissimilar materials, combining for instance Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composites and metal sheets. Manufacturing these multimaterial structures requires an efficient bonding process, but also high crack propagation resistance.En savoir plusA 3D printed film for joints: integrated manufacturing, toughening and properties tuning26 MayMany complex structures such as airplanes are made of dissimilar materials, combining for instance Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composites and metal sheets. Manufacturing these multimaterial structures requires an efficient bonding process, but also high crack propagation resistance.
Durability and damage of bonded hybrid structures25 MayIn order to understand the multi-physical phenomena linked to multi-scale multi-material assemblies, which are themselves heterogeneous and very often non-isotropic, I was first interested in pure polymers. These organic materials are notably used as adhesives. They can be reinforced by a marquisette to ensure controlled fluidity, but also to ensure a constant thickness of the adhesive film.En savoir plusDurability and damage of bonded hybrid structures25 MayIn order to understand the multi-physical phenomena linked to multi-scale multi-material assemblies, which are themselves heterogeneous and very often non-isotropic, I was first interested in pure polymers. These organic materials are notably used as adhesives. They can be reinforced by a marquisette to ensure controlled fluidity, but also to ensure a constant thickness of the adhesive film.
Am I solving the equations right? An overview of the Method of Manufactured Solution and how to incorporate physical constraints24 MayThe Method of Manufactured Solution (MMS) is a powerful and widely adopted technique for code verification. It provides a systematic procedure for generating analytical solutions to complex PDEs.En savoir plusAm I solving the equations right? An overview of the Method of Manufactured Solution and how to incorporate physical constraints24 MayThe Method of Manufactured Solution (MMS) is a powerful and widely adopted technique for code verification. It provides a systematic procedure for generating analytical solutions to complex PDEs.
The gravity-driven flashing of metastable water in a pool heated from below. An experimental study22 MayFor the degree of Doctora of Engineering Sciences and Technology Étudier l’ébullition à basse pression au sein d’un bassin permet l’atteinte de conditions de nucléation spécifiques : le flashing d’eau métastable.En savoir plusThe gravity-driven flashing of metastable water in a pool heated from below. An experimental study22 MayFor the degree of Doctora of Engineering Sciences and Technology Étudier l’ébullition à basse pression au sein d’un bassin permet l’atteinte de conditions de nucléation spécifiques : le flashing d’eau métastable.
Specimen miniaturization for fracture toughness determination of reactor pressure vessel steels - An experimental and modeling investigation by Meng LI22 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In the context of the structural integrity assessment of nuclear reactor pressure vessels (RPV), the mini-CT specimen is gaining worldwide attention as one of the ideal miniaturized geometries for measuring fracture toughness. This geometry is particularly appealing for several reasons.En savoir plusSpecimen miniaturization for fracture toughness determination of reactor pressure vessel steels - An experimental and modeling investigation by Meng LI22 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In the context of the structural integrity assessment of nuclear reactor pressure vessels (RPV), the mini-CT specimen is gaining worldwide attention as one of the ideal miniaturized geometries for measuring fracture toughness. This geometry is particularly appealing for several reasons.
Influence of crystallization conditions on microstructure and mechanical behavior of a carbon fiber-reinforced semi-crystalline thermoplastic composite12 MayPolymer composites are largely used in aerospace applications because of their lightweight and excellent mechanical properties.En savoir plusInfluence of crystallization conditions on microstructure and mechanical behavior of a carbon fiber-reinforced semi-crystalline thermoplastic composite12 MayPolymer composites are largely used in aerospace applications because of their lightweight and excellent mechanical properties.