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Experimental mechanics of suspended and supported graphene-based systems by Farzaneh BAHRAMI25 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The high-quality two-dimensional (2D) crystals possess remarkable mechanical behaviour which offers exciting opportunities for new material selection and design, like the combination of extremely high in-plane stiffness and bending flexibility.En savoir plusExperimental mechanics of suspended and supported graphene-based systems by Farzaneh BAHRAMI25 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The high-quality two-dimensional (2D) crystals possess remarkable mechanical behaviour which offers exciting opportunities for new material selection and design, like the combination of extremely high in-plane stiffness and bending flexibility.
Removal of azo dyes in textile wastewater using microbial fuel cells and membrane technology by Raul Alfonso BAHAMONDE SORIA25 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In recent years, bioelectrochemical systems (BES), such as microbial fuel cells (MFC), have been explored for their benefits in the treatment of complex wastewater. Textile wastewater mixtures are far from ideal electrolytes for an electrochemical process, generating bioincubations on electrodes and separators, which greatly affectEn savoir plusRemoval of azo dyes in textile wastewater using microbial fuel cells and membrane technology by Raul Alfonso BAHAMONDE SORIA25 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In recent years, bioelectrochemical systems (BES), such as microbial fuel cells (MFC), have been explored for their benefits in the treatment of complex wastewater. Textile wastewater mixtures are far from ideal electrolytes for an electrochemical process, generating bioincubations on electrodes and separators, which greatly affect
Design, Friction Stir Processing and characterization of a new healable aluminium alloy by Mariia ARSEENKO22 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Aluminium alloys are widely used as structural materials in transportation, space and construction. Despite the excellent combination of lightweight with sufficient strength, to remain competitive on the market, several properties of Al alloys should be further enhanced, such as strength properties and damage tolerance.En savoir plusDesign, Friction Stir Processing and characterization of a new healable aluminium alloy by Mariia ARSEENKO22 AprFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Aluminium alloys are widely used as structural materials in transportation, space and construction. Despite the excellent combination of lightweight with sufficient strength, to remain competitive on the market, several properties of Al alloys should be further enhanced, such as strength properties and damage tolerance.
Modelling and large eddy simulations of biodiesel spray combustion by Constantin SULA21 MarFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology This thesis consists of a detailed study of spray combustion of diesel and biodiesel fuels.En savoir plusModelling and large eddy simulations of biodiesel spray combustion by Constantin SULA21 MarFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology This thesis consists of a detailed study of spray combustion of diesel and biodiesel fuels.
On the modelling and simulation of electrically charged particle-laden flows by Olivier Simonin (IMFT)14 MarTurbulent particle-laden flows are encountered in many practical applications such as geophysical flows, engineering processes or health/medicine studies. The modelling and simulation of particle transport and dispersion is complex due to the multi-physical nature of particle-laden flows.En savoir plusOn the modelling and simulation of electrically charged particle-laden flows by Olivier Simonin (IMFT)14 MarTurbulent particle-laden flows are encountered in many practical applications such as geophysical flows, engineering processes or health/medicine studies. The modelling and simulation of particle transport and dispersion is complex due to the multi-physical nature of particle-laden flows.
Direct numerical simulation of monodisperse fluid-particle flows - Methodology, validation, and application to fixed and fluidized beds by Baptiste HARDY14 MarPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Flows involving the transport of a dispersed solid phase by a carrier fluid are encountered in many environmental phenomena and industrial applications.En savoir plusDirect numerical simulation of monodisperse fluid-particle flows - Methodology, validation, and application to fixed and fluidized beds by Baptiste HARDY14 MarPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Flows involving the transport of a dispersed solid phase by a carrier fluid are encountered in many environmental phenomena and industrial applications.
Study of eddy current losses in printed windings for the optimization of slotless permanent magnet machines by Guillaume FRANCOIS07 MarPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie La technologie des PCB felixibles permet de développer de nouveaux types de bobinages qui améliorent les performances des moteurs électriques.En savoir plusStudy of eddy current losses in printed windings for the optimization of slotless permanent magnet machines by Guillaume FRANCOIS07 MarPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie La technologie des PCB felixibles permet de développer de nouveaux types de bobinages qui améliorent les performances des moteurs électriques.
Metric-based curvilinear mesh generation and adaptation by Ruili ZHANG01 MarFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology This thesis aims at curvilinear mesh generation and adaptation, we start from summary ideally the research project as a simple yet fundamental question: assume a unit square $$\Omega = \{(x^1,x^2) \in [0,1] \times [0,1]\}$$ and a smooth function $f(x^1,x^2)$ defined on the square, and consider a mesh $\mathcal T$ made of $P^2$ triaEn savoir plusMetric-based curvilinear mesh generation and adaptation by Ruili ZHANG01 MarFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology This thesis aims at curvilinear mesh generation and adaptation, we start from summary ideally the research project as a simple yet fundamental question: assume a unit square $$\Omega = \{(x^1,x^2) \in [0,1] \times [0,1]\}$$ and a smooth function $f(x^1,x^2)$ defined on the square, and consider a mesh $\mathcal T$ made of $P^2$ tria
In situ tests in X ray tomography by Dr. Eric Maire (INSA Lyon)23 FebX ray Computed Tomography has emerged 20 years ago in materials science and mechanics. For the first time, it provided non destructive 3D reconstruction of the microstructre of materials and systems in a nearly routine way.En savoir plusIn situ tests in X ray tomography by Dr. Eric Maire (INSA Lyon)23 FebX ray Computed Tomography has emerged 20 years ago in materials science and mechanics. For the first time, it provided non destructive 3D reconstruction of the microstructre of materials and systems in a nearly routine way.
Uncertainty quantification of aerothermal flow-material simulations of low-density ablative thermal protection systems by Joffrey COHEUR16 FebPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Essential to space missions involving an atmospheric entry, the thermal protection system (TPS) shields the spacecraft and its payload from the severe aerothermal loads. Low-density carbon/phenolic composite materials have gained renewed interest to serve as ablative thermal protection materials (TPMs).En savoir plusUncertainty quantification of aerothermal flow-material simulations of low-density ablative thermal protection systems by Joffrey COHEUR16 FebPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Essential to space missions involving an atmospheric entry, the thermal protection system (TPS) shields the spacecraft and its payload from the severe aerothermal loads. Low-density carbon/phenolic composite materials have gained renewed interest to serve as ablative thermal protection materials (TPMs).