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Interactions between flow and actuated structures simulated through a Vortex Particle-Mesh method: application to swimming and energy harvesting devices by Caroline BERNIER21 DecEuropean eels (Anguilla anguilla) undertake a 5000-km spawning migration from Europe to the Sargasso Sea although they do not feed during the migration. Indeed swimming organisms at large have refined their senses, morphologies, gaits and mechanical properties to effectively propel and maneuver in a variety of unsteady flow conditions.En savoir plusInteractions between flow and actuated structures simulated through a Vortex Particle-Mesh method: application to swimming and energy harvesting devices by Caroline BERNIER21 DecEuropean eels (Anguilla anguilla) undertake a 5000-km spawning migration from Europe to the Sargasso Sea although they do not feed during the migration. Indeed swimming organisms at large have refined their senses, morphologies, gaits and mechanical properties to effectively propel and maneuver in a variety of unsteady flow conditions.
Shallow and deep learning : which one should we use? by Michel Verleysen26 NovMachine learning is a branch or artificial intelligence which aims at building models from known data, with few or no hypothesis on the underlying physical phenomenon. Machine learning is nowadays used in many disciplines such as medicine, industrial processes, e-commerce, transport, to cite only a few.En savoir plusShallow and deep learning : which one should we use? by Michel Verleysen26 NovMachine learning is a branch or artificial intelligence which aims at building models from known data, with few or no hypothesis on the underlying physical phenomenon. Machine learning is nowadays used in many disciplines such as medicine, industrial processes, e-commerce, transport, to cite only a few.
Generalized sweeping preconditioners for domain decomposition methods applied to Helmholtz problems by Ruiyang DAI17 NovPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie The numerical solution of high-frequency Helmholtz problems by discretization methods such as the finite element method is a big challenge. Indeed, obtaining high-fidelity solutions requires to assemble and solve extremely large linear systems, whose size increases more than linearly with frequency.En savoir plusGeneralized sweeping preconditioners for domain decomposition methods applied to Helmholtz problems by Ruiyang DAI17 NovPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie The numerical solution of high-frequency Helmholtz problems by discretization methods such as the finite element method is a big challenge. Indeed, obtaining high-fidelity solutions requires to assemble and solve extremely large linear systems, whose size increases more than linearly with frequency.
Hydrogen: A seemingly simple fuel by Prof. Heinz PITSCH12 NovChemical energy carriers will play an essential role for future energy systems, where harvesting and utilization of renewable energy occur not necessarily at the same time or place, hence long-time storage and long-range transport of energy are needed. For this, hydrogen holds great promise.En savoir plusHydrogen: A seemingly simple fuel by Prof. Heinz PITSCH12 NovChemical energy carriers will play an essential role for future energy systems, where harvesting and utilization of renewable energy occur not necessarily at the same time or place, hence long-time storage and long-range transport of energy are needed. For this, hydrogen holds great promise.
Stability analysis for flow control with porous media by Chloé Mimeau (CNAM, Paris)22 OctThe presence of a porous layer at the surface of an immersed body modifies the nature of the flow at the solid-porous-fluid interface. This modification may lead to flow regularization and the use of porous coatings is considered as a passive flow control technique. However the understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for such flow regularization with porous media is still incomplete.En savoir plusStability analysis for flow control with porous media by Chloé Mimeau (CNAM, Paris)22 OctThe presence of a porous layer at the surface of an immersed body modifies the nature of the flow at the solid-porous-fluid interface. This modification may lead to flow regularization and the use of porous coatings is considered as a passive flow control technique. However the understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for such flow regularization with porous media is still incomplete.
Hydrogen addition and surface modifications for enhanced corrosion of TWIP steels for bioresorbable stent applications by Sarah REUTER29 SepPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Fe-based alloys are of increasing interest for the use as bioresorbable materials. Their mechanical properties are adequate for the use as stents but they present too slow degradation rates.En savoir plusHydrogen addition and surface modifications for enhanced corrosion of TWIP steels for bioresorbable stent applications by Sarah REUTER29 SepPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Fe-based alloys are of increasing interest for the use as bioresorbable materials. Their mechanical properties are adequate for the use as stents but they present too slow degradation rates.
The Artificial Muscle Center: a success among many innovative applications of electromagnetism in microtechnology by Yves PERRIARD (EPFL)24 SepAbstract: Whenever something moves in the human body, our muscles do the work. However, while today it is part of everyday clinical practice to replace joints and bones with artificial parts, reconstruction medicine still has great difficulties finding a suitable replacement for damaged or destroyed muscles.En savoir plusThe Artificial Muscle Center: a success among many innovative applications of electromagnetism in microtechnology by Yves PERRIARD (EPFL)24 SepAbstract: Whenever something moves in the human body, our muscles do the work. However, while today it is part of everyday clinical practice to replace joints and bones with artificial parts, reconstruction medicine still has great difficulties finding a suitable replacement for damaged or destroyed muscles.
Haptic key based on a real-time multibody model of a piano action by Sébastien TIMMERMANS24 SepPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie While playing on an acoustic piano, a pianist feels an essential sensory information called the touch. Along with the sound, these two feedbacks give the musician greater control and expressivity with the instrument.En savoir plusHaptic key based on a real-time multibody model of a piano action by Sébastien TIMMERMANS24 SepPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie While playing on an acoustic piano, a pianist feels an essential sensory information called the touch. Along with the sound, these two feedbacks give the musician greater control and expressivity with the instrument.
Towards an automatic solution for flexible quad layout generation and quad meshing by Jovana JEZDIMIROVIC24 AugPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie The long-standing desire for a profound understanding of the surrounding physical phenomena has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs, which are mirrored in the development of formalism and the means to predict the behavior of these abstract systems.En savoir plusTowards an automatic solution for flexible quad layout generation and quad meshing by Jovana JEZDIMIROVIC24 AugPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie The long-standing desire for a profound understanding of the surrounding physical phenomena has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs, which are mirrored in the development of formalism and the means to predict the behavior of these abstract systems.
“Generation of energy transition pathways: application to Belgium” by Gauthier LIMPENS18 JunPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie L’humain exploite des ressources pour répondre à ses besoins énergétiques. Depuis la nuit des temps, du bois a été consommé pour la cuisson et le chauffage. Avec la révolution industrielle, les besoins en énergie ont entamé une forte croissance.En savoir plus“Generation of energy transition pathways: application to Belgium” by Gauthier LIMPENS18 JunPour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie L’humain exploite des ressources pour répondre à ses besoins énergétiques. Depuis la nuit des temps, du bois a été consommé pour la cuisson et le chauffage. Avec la révolution industrielle, les besoins en énergie ont entamé une forte croissance.