Archive des événements passés du site Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
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Séminaire de recherche par Florence PALPACUER et Gregor MURRAY27 JanSéminaire de recherche par Pr. Florence Palpacuer, Université de Montpellier et Pr. Gregor MURRAY, Université de Montréal Mondialisation et chaînes de valeurs globales : penser l'activisme managérial et syndical Depuis les 20 dernières années, la montée en puissance et la généralisation des entreprises multinationales et des chaînes de valeurs globales posent unEn savoir plusSéminaire de recherche par Florence PALPACUER et Gregor MURRAY27 JanSéminaire de recherche par Pr. Florence Palpacuer, Université de Montpellier et Pr. Gregor MURRAY, Université de Montréal Mondialisation et chaînes de valeurs globales : penser l'activisme managérial et syndical Depuis les 20 dernières années, la montée en puissance et la généralisation des entreprises multinationales et des chaînes de valeurs globales posent un
Research seminar by Pia Albinsson, Business Appalachian State University23 Jan"Social entrepreneurship and collaborative consumption in the Sharing Economy Swedish clothing libraries emerged as a form of countercultural resistance to textile and fashion overconsumption. While there is much interest in large for-profit and non-profit collaborative consumption efforts, there is limited research on organizations created for the purpose of social transformation.En savoir plusResearch seminar by Pia Albinsson, Business Appalachian State University23 Jan"Social entrepreneurship and collaborative consumption in the Sharing Economy Swedish clothing libraries emerged as a form of countercultural resistance to textile and fashion overconsumption. While there is much interest in large for-profit and non-profit collaborative consumption efforts, there is limited research on organizations created for the purpose of social transformation.
LouRIM Award10 JanLOURIM AWARD 2019 Each year the "LouRIM Research Excellence Award" recognizes the scientific merits of an institute member for his/her outstanding contribution published in a scientific journal during the year. This year the event will be followed by an exciting game, we reserve the surprise... Hotel Van der Valk - Chaussée de Mons 22, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique &nbsEn savoir plusLouRIM Award10 JanLOURIM AWARD 2019 Each year the "LouRIM Research Excellence Award" recognizes the scientific merits of an institute member for his/her outstanding contribution published in a scientific journal during the year. This year the event will be followed by an exciting game, we reserve the surprise... Hotel Van der Valk - Chaussée de Mons 22, 1400 Nivelles, Belgique &nbs