Registration to UCLouvain
epl | Louvain-la-Neuve, Charleroi
After you receive the confirmation from Louvain School of Engineering that your admission as joint degree student has been validated, you will have to register at the UCLouvain Enrolment Office.
It is important to keep in mind that this enrolment is compulsory to enable you to receive the UCLouvain diploma, upon successful completion of your joint degree programme.
You must complete your UCLouvain online registration form as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT: When you register online, please tick "Yes" for at least the question "Are you studying for a double/joint degree?"
To support you in this registration process, please visit: Admission & FAQ | UCLouvain.
We encourage you to complete your UCLouvain online registration form directly after receiving validation of the EPL admission process, in order to finalize the entire registration process efficiently.
Information regarding the completion of your Learning Agreement
Please use the T.I.M.E. Learning Agreement unless your institution's Learning Agreement is mandatory.
Start and end dates of each semester:
Autumn semester = from 14 September to 31 January
Spring semester = from 01 February to 30 June
Academic year = from 14 September to 30 June
Data of the Receiving institution:
Name = UCLouvain
Faculty-Department = Louvain School of Engineering (EPL)
Address = Rue Archimède 1 bte L6.11.01 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Country = Belgium
Eramsus code = B LOUVAIN01
Contact person = Olivia Lourtie - email: - Phone: +32 10 47 85 30
The Responsible person at the Receiving Institution (who will sign your Learning Agreement) is your EPL academic head of the master programme (not the EPL international mobility coordinator). Note that Olivia Lourtie will complete this head of's name.