
Congratulations, Dr. Dubois!
Many congratulations to Dr. Tanguy Dubois on passing his oral PhD defence! Dr.
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Magali Paquot to give an online talk on The Core Metadata Schema for L2 data
Magali Paquot will give an invited online talk on 30 October 2023 (18:00 Madrid, 17:00 London) on "The Core Metadata Schema for L2 data" in the framework of the event "Corpus linguistics and appl
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CLAP newsletter
The FNRS-funded Crowdsourcing Language Assessment project (CLAP), which investigates the use of comparative judgement to grade the proficiency of texts in the ICLE corpus, has begun generating
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Gervaise Picron's public defense
Gervaise Picron will defend her PhD dissertation entitled 'Développement de la compétence rédactionnelle à l’université : Analyse linguistique des stades évolutifs et proposition d’un modèle explicati
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A new stage in the Crowdsourcing Language Assessment project
In 2020, CECL members Magali Paquot, Rachel Rubin, and Nathan Vandeweert launched the “Crowdsourcing Language Acquisition” project (CLAP), which aimed to develop a novel method for generating fast a
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