
Welcome to Benoit Delhaye, new faculty !
We are very happy to announce that the FNRS has awarded our colleague Benoit Delhaye a permanent position as a Research Associate.
Benoit Delhaye’s research contributes to the fundamental understandi
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First prize in the IEEE R8 Student Paper Contest 2023 goes to Jonathan Parion
Jonathan Parion won the IEEE/ICTEAM Best Master Thesis Award 2022 for his work "Low-temperature admittance spectroscopy for defect characterization in thin-film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells" (supervisor :
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ICTEAM Thesis Award 2023
The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2023 was granted to Gaëtan Cassiers for his thesis entitled "Composable and efficient masking schemes for side-channel secure implementations" (supervisor : François
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Second Thesis Award for Renato Vizuete
Congratulations to Renato Vizuete (Post-doc researcher, INMA) who won the 2nd Thesis Award from Fondation CentraleSupélec (France), in the « Science Impact » category.
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Best Presentation Award
Congratulations to Antoine Legrand (UCLouvain/ICTEAM), Renaud Detry (KULeuven) and Christophe De Vleeschouwer (UCLouvain/ICTEAM) for a Best Presentation Award at the Workshop AI4Space organised at the
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