ICTEAM Thesis Award
icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve

The ICTEAM Thesis Award, which consists of an amount of 2000 €, is granted yearly to the best doctoral thesis that was publicly defended in the course of the previous civil year and for which at least one of the co-directors is officially a member of ICTEAM.
The selection jury in 2024 was chaired by Laurent Jacques. The other members were Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Laurent Francis, François Glineur et Ramin Sadre.
The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2024 was granted to Thibault Pirson for his thesis entitled "Environmental Perspectives and Limits for the Internet of Things in the Anthroposcene: Going Beyond Systematic Life-Cycle Assessment" (supervisor David Bol).
The award was granted during the ICTEAM Day on May 30, 2024. Since Thibault couldn't be present, his supervisor picked up the diploma on his behalf.