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Some of the projects Louvain Bionics is / was involved in:

The aim of the CYBERLEGs project is to develop an artificial cognitive system for trans-femoral amputees’ lower-limb functional replacement and assistance (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: R. Ronsse (UCLouvain Engineer); Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy); University of Ljubljana (Slovakia); Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus (Milan, Italy); VUB (Brussels, Belgium).
Funding: FP7 (European Commission)

The global goal of the CYBERLEGs++ project is to validate the technical and economic viability of the powered robotic ortho-prosthesis developed within the framework of the CYBERLEGs project as a means to enhance/restore the mobility of transfemoral amputee (ONGOING).
Partners: R. Ronsse (Ingénieur UCL); Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pise, Italie); Université de Ljubljana (Slovaquie); Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus (Milan, Italie); VUB (Bruxelles, Belgique); Össur (Iceland); IUVO (Italy)
Funding: H2020 (European Commission)

Currently, active transfemoral prosthesis are heavy, expensive and lack autonomy. This thesis tackles the design of a novel transfemoral prosthesis embedding smart materials and energy management. Advanced additive manufacturing and energy transfer between joints are combined to produce a light while high-performance device. Bio-inspired control will be implemented to further improve the device behaviour. We are currently testing a first prototype on a test bench (ONGOING).
Partners: F. Heremans, R. Ronsse, B. Dehez (Science and Technology Sector, UCLouvain)
Funding: F.R.S-FNRS

Conception and realization of a teleoperated robotic assistance increasing the dexterity and the precision of the microsurgeons (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: B. Raucent (Science and Technology Sector, UCLouvain); B. Herman (Science and Technology Sector, UCLouvain); J. Szewczyk (Science Technologies Sector, UPMC, France); B. Lengelé (Medical Sciences Sector, UCLouvain); L. Vanthournhout (PhD student, UCLouvain)
Funding: UCL (FSR) and "Crédit de recherche FNRS".

Conception and realisation of a machine for the quantification of the muscular stiffness of the wrist (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: B. Herman (Science and Technology Sector, UCLouvain); C. Detrembler (Medical Sciences Sector, UCLouvain); P Mahaudens (Medical Sciences Sector, UCLouvain); M David (PhD student).
Funding: UCLouvain and Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc

Brain damage is a cause of long-term disability that requires intensive and prolonged rehabilitation. The perception and coordination of the actions can be relearned, and the use of rehab robotics provides an active movement exercise that can be controlled and measured dynamically, giving feedback to the patient. In the RobiGame project, we use REAPlan robots to assist the rehabilitation of the arm function in combination with serious games (i.e. recreational activities for therapeutic purposes). Theses games adapt to the functional abilities of the patient, which helps to maintain patient motivation, and provide at the same time an excellent rehabilitation exercise (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: Th. Lejeune (SSS/IREC, UCLouvain); M. Edwards (SSH/IPSY, UCLouvain); Bruno Dehez (SST/iMMC, UCLouvain), Axinesis (spin-off).
Funding: WB Health (Région wallonne).

Development and study of bi-manual tasks for the neurorehabilitation of cerebral palsy patients with the interactive robot REA2plan (to distinguish from the REAPlan robot, which is uni-manual), created by a UCL spin off, Axinesis, and of which the purchase was financed by a donation following the inauguration of Louvain Bionics. Development and study of a tangible interface allowing the analysis of the movement and the interaction with therapeutic video games for the functional and intensive neuroreeducation and for the study of the relearning motor (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: Y. Vandermeeren (SSS/IoNS, UCLouvain); B. Dehez (SST/iMMC, UCLouvain), Axinesis (spin-off).
Funding: Private donation (via Louvain Bionics) and funding Louvain Bionics.

Yannick Bleyenheuft, research scientist in motor sciences at UCLouvain and executive member of Louvain Bionics, developed in 2011, with her research group, an intensive and recreational rehabilitation method called HABIT-ILE (Hand and Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy Including Lower Extremities) based on the HABIT method developed at Columbia University (New York) and extended to the lower limbs. HABIT-ILE is based on several principles: the functional objectives are anchored in the child's daily life, the increase in difficulty is gradual and the therapists accompany the child without guiding his movements ("hands off"). Following 2 studies that showed the superiority of HABIT-ILE over conventional rehabilitation in children over 6 years of age with unilateral or bilateral cerebral palsy, Yannick Bleyenheuft and partners recently launched the CAP project ("Changes induced by HABIT-ILE therapy in children with cerebral palsy in preschool age"). This European mulitcentric study aims to evaluate the HABIT-ILE method in children aged 1 to 4. More information (in French) here
Partners: University Hospital of Brest, University Hospital of Angers, University of Pisa, Geneva University Hospital, University Hospital of Lausanne
Funding:Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale (France)

Virtual interface to apply the principles of intensive pediatric neuro-rehabilitation therapies for cerebral palsy children. Compared to other existing devices (including robotic tools) the interest of this interface is to allow the manipulation of real objects with a touch screen responsive to contact thereof. This interaction allows us to stimulate the functional capacities of manipulation in real conditions through motivating games aimed at a constant work of bimanual coordination as well as stimulation of the lower limbs and postural control (ONGOING).
Partners: Y. Bleyenheuft (SSS/IoNS, UCL), Axinesis (spin-off).
Funding: PhD Student: FSR (janvier- décembre 2017) and "aspirant FRIA" première bourse (janvier-octobre 2018) Material: bourse Promobilia Foundation, crowdfunding plateforme Gingo.

Development of a new system for tracking the movements of the lips for the diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders and support in processing data collected with Matlab (ONGOING PROJECT).
Partners: B. Herman (SST/iMMC, UCLouvain); M. Edwards (SSH/IPSY, UCLouvain), B. Macq (SST/ICTEAM, UCLouvain).
Funding: UCLouvain

Development of a software for controlling the inertial units from the recording of 3D accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. Development of functional calibration software and signal analysis. The inertial units will allow us to evaluate our patients in an ecological situation, in their daily life (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: Ch. Detrembleur (SSS/IREC, UCLouvain), P Mahaudens (SSS, UCLouvain); R Hage (SSS, UCLouvain), Arsalis (spin-off).
Funding: UCLouvain

Improvement of the design and detailed design of a device for analyzing the deformation of the digital pulp during the gripping of an object based on a previous project by Ph. Lefèvre and J.-L. Thonnard (CLOSED PROJECT).
Partners: Ph. Lefèvre (SST/ ICTEAM/IoNS, UCL); J.-L. Thonnard (SSS/ IoNS, UCL), B. Herman (SST/iMMC, UCL).
Funding: UCLouvain

Development of a miniaturized trans-aortic resector for commercialization.
Partners: B. Raucent (SST/iMMC, UCL), P. Astarci (SSS/IREC, UCL) ; B. Herman (SST/iMMC, UCL), R. Patesson (CREATIC, ULB), Medi-Line, Ciseo (ONGOING)
Funding: BioWin (Région wallonne)