Fatty acids on the menu of the LIBST symposium
The LIBST symposium took place on Friday 30 November. In the morning session, four LIBST researchers talked about the progress of their research.
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Joint LIBST - UNamur PhD Day
The joint LIBST and UNamur PhD students' day took place on September 10, 2021 in Louvain-la-Neuve.
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An omega-3 that’s poison for cancer tumors
In the framework of a collaborative program with IREC partners, LIBST researchers have demonstrated that highly unsaturated fatty acids specifically poison cancer cells facing the acidic micro-environ
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New method to study the impact of ocean pollution
LIBST members have developed a new method of precision-cut adipose tissue slices (PCATS) to study in vitro the impact of ocean pollution on marine mammals.
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GMO plants that make you feel good
Marc Boutry, one of our PI, has just published a book (in French) entitled: "Des plantes OGM qui vous veulent du bien" at Regards Editions.
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