esl | Louvain-la-Neuve
Before arrival
When should I apply for housing?
You should apply for University housing as soon as possible, housing is granted on a first come first served basis.
Where can I find housing information?
Consult this link
How can I apply for an exchange at the Economics School of Louvain?
Your home university first has to nominate you via our Mobility-Online system.
You will then be sent infirmation about the application process and the documents you will need to send through.
Upon arrival
How can I get my certificate of arrival signed?
You should come to the international office (Mrs Catherine Maréchal) during the opening hours with your certificate of arrival and we will be happy to sign it for you.
When and how should I register for classes?
Classe registration is done exclusively by the International office on the basis of a signed and approved learning agreement. No changes to the study plan will be made if they have not been approved by the home and host university. Thus please make sure your learning agreement is sent to Ms Catherine Maréchal with your changes by 15 October for Semester 1 and 15 February for Semester 2.
Where can I find course schedules?
Please consult this page
May I attend courses from other degree programs?
Depending on the specific requirements of the home institution, and upon explicit authorisation of the International Affairs coordinator, students may be allowed to attend a limited number of courses in other degree programs (read the Principles mentioned in this page). The student should make sure (s)he has the necessary pre-requisites to attend the course and ask for the Professor's authorization via email, outlining their reasons and enclosing their most recent transcript.
During your stay
Who is your contact person?
Your contact person is the International Affairs Coordinator of the Economics School (Mrs. Catherine Maréchal: catherine.marechal@uclouvain.be). Whatever the level of the course taken (bachelor / master), your contact person always remains on the School level. Please do not contact the secretariat of the bachelor level for administrative issues.
When and how should I register to exams?
Registration to exams is done via your 'virtual office' accessible on the UCLouvain home page ("MyUCL"). Exam registration dates are specified in the academic calendar of the Economics School. Even if you take all your courses at bachelor level, you have to follow the deadlines of the Economics School (and not the ones of the bachelor programmes).
At the end of your stay
How can I get a transcript mailed to my home university?
Transcripts are send via email to your home university as soon as possible after the end of the examination session. First semester transcripts will be sent out early February. Second semester transcripts will be sent out end of June. Please make sure you provide the international office with the name, address and e-mail to whom transcripts should be sent.
How can I get my exam results?
Exam results are accessible via your 'My UCL' accessible on the UCLouvain home page. The academic calendar of the Economics School specifies when the results are available for students.
How can I get my certificate of departure signed?
You should come to the international office during the opening hours with your certificate of arrival and we will be happy to sign it for you.