Macroeconomic and Monetary Economics
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IRES Researchers in Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
Vincent Bodart
SSH/ESPO Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO)
SSH/ESPO/ECON Ecole des Sciences économiques/Economics School of Louvain (ECON)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSH/IDAM/IRES Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (IRES)
Fabio Mariani
SSH/ESPO Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO)
SSH/ESPO/ECON Ecole des Sciences économiques/Economics School of Louvain (ECON)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSH/IDAM/IRES Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (IRES)
Rigas Oikonomou
SSH/ESPO Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO)
SSH/ESPO/ECON Ecole des Sciences économiques/Economics School of Louvain (ECON)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSH/IDAM/IRES Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (IRES)
Luca Pensieroso
SSH/ESPO Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO)
SSH/ESPO/ECON Ecole des Sciences économiques/Economics School of Louvain (ECON)
SSH/IDAM Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM)
SSH/IDAM/IRES Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (IRES)
IRES Research Projects in Macroeconomics and monetary Economics
IRES Research Publications in Macroeconomics and monetary Economics
Journal Articles
1. Bodart, Vincent; Bertrand, Aurélie; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; de Pierpont de Burnot, Charles; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2025. In: Regards économiques, , no.187, p. 1-8 (2025). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2025.01.09.01.
2. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leïla. Perspectives économiques 2024. In: Regards économiques, , no.182, p. 1-11 (2024). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2024.01.11.01.
3. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; de Pierpont de Burnot, Charles; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2024-2025. In: Regards économiques, , no.185, p. 1-8 (2024). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2024.07.04.01.
4. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; De Bundel, Florian; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Pourtois, Mathilde; Sauvenier, Mathieu; Van Keirsbilck, Leïla. Perspectives économiques 2023-2024. In: Regards économiques, , no.180, p. 1-12 (2023). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2023.07.06.01.
5. Bodart, Vincent; Carpantier, Jean-François. Currency crises in emerging countries: The commodity factor. In: Journal of Commodity Markets, Vol. 30, p. 100287 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.jcomm.2022.100287.
6. Pensieroso, Luca; Restout, Romain. The Gold Standard and the international dimension of the Great Depression. In: Macroeconomic Dynamics, , p. 1-25 (2023). doi:10.1017/S1365100523000494 (Accepté/Sous presse).
7. Equiza-Goñi, Juan; Faraglia, Elisa; Oikonomou, Rigas. Union debt management. In: Journal of International Money and Finance : theoretical and empirical research in international economics and finance, Vol. 130, p. 102747 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2022.102747.
8. Baurin, Arno; Bodart, Vincent; Courtoy, François; Lachapelle, Nathan; Pourtois, Mathilde; Sauvenier, Mathieu; Van Keirsbilck, Leila. Perspectives économiques 2023. In: Regards économiques, , no.176, p. 1-11 (2023). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2023.01.12.01.
9. Blanas, Sotiris; Oikonomou, Rigas. COVID-induced economic uncertainty, tasks and occupational demand. In: Labour Economics, Vol. 81, p. 102335 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102335.
10. Baurin, Arno; Bodart, Vincent; Courtoy, François; Dallemagne, Guillaume; Lachapelle, Nathan; Ounnas, Alexandre; Pourtois, Mathilde; Sauvenier, Mathieu. Perspectives économiques 2022. In: Regards économiques, , no.167, p. 1-12 (2022). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2022.01.14.01.
11. Giordani, Paolo E.; Mariani, Fabio. Unintended consequences: Can the rise of the educated class explain the revival of protectionism?. In: Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 200, p. 105385 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jet.2021.105385.
12. Attanasi, Gautier; Baurin, Arno; Bodart, Vincent; Courtoy, François; Dallemagne, Guillaume; Lachapelle, Nathan; Ounnas, Alexandre; Pourtois, Mathilde; Sauvenier, Mathieu. Perspectives économiques 2021. In: Regards économiques, , no.159, p. 1-12 (2021). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2021.01.15.01.
13. Bodart, Vincent; Ounnas, Alexandre. Prévision économique "en temps réel". In: Regards économiques, , no.164, p. 1-11 (2021). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2021.04.29.01.
Book Chapters
1. Clerc, Pierrick; De Vroey, Michel. Robert Lucas. In: The Palgrave Companion to Chicago Economics and Economists , Palgrave-MacMillan, 2023, 841-869. 978-3-031-01777-3. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-01775-9_33.