UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Clément Malgouyres, CREST
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Clément Malgouyres, CREST
23 Feb
Clement Malgouyres
will give a presentation on
From Public Labs to Private Firms: Magnitude and Channels of R&D Spillovers
Abstract: Introducing a new measure of scientific proximity between private firms and public research groups and exploiting a multi-billion euro financing program of academic clusters in France, we provide causal evidence of spillovers from academic research to
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Clément Malgouyres, CREST
23 Feb
Clement Malgouyres
will give a presentation on
From Public Labs to Private Firms: Magnitude and Channels of R&D Spillovers
Abstract: Introducing a new measure of scientific proximity between private firms and public research groups and exploiting a multi-billion euro financing program of academic clusters in France, we provide causal evidence of spillovers from academic research to