Postdoctoral positions in Economics of Identity, UNamur and UCLouvain
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The IDnomics research team, based at the University of Namur and the Université Catholique de Louvain, is inviting applications for various two-year postdoctoral fellowship positions starting on September 1, 2024. The postdoctoral fellows will work on projects focusing on the role of identity in economics (including gender and religion, among others). They are expected to dedicate approximately 50% of their research time to these projects and the remaining 50% to their own research initiatives. These positions will be supervised by one or several Principal Investigators: Guilhem Cassan, Joseph Gomes, Catherine Guirkinger, William Parienté, and Amma Panin.
Applications Requirements
- Letters of reference;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Job market paper;
- Cover letter.
A PhD in Economics or an equivalent level is required by the start date of the contract.
Application Deadline
March 15, 2024
How to submit your application?
Applications should be submitted through the EconJobMarket platform: