Charlotte Lefort - Metabolism and Nutrition group (MNut) - Hepatocyte endocannabinoid system and innate immunity influence whole-body lipid metabolism: investigation of the molecular mechanisms in the context of obesity
ldri | Bruxelles Woluwe
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Charlotte Lefort - Metabolism and Nutrition group (MNut) - Hepatocyte endocannabinoid system and innate immunity influence whole-body lipid metabolism: investigation of the molecular mechanisms in the context of obesity
27 Oct
Tuesday October 27, 2020 - 16h30
Charlotte Lefort
Metabolism and Nutrition group (MNut)
“Hepatocyte endocannabinoid system and innate immunity influence whole-body lipid metabolism: investigation of the molecular mechanisms in the context of obesity.”
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Charlotte Lefort - Metabolism and Nutrition group (MNut) - Hepatocyte endocannabinoid system and innate immunity influence whole-body lipid metabolism: investigation of the molecular mechanisms in the context of obesity
27 Oct
Tuesday October 27, 2020 - 16h30
Charlotte Lefort
Metabolism and Nutrition group (MNut)
“Hepatocyte endocannabinoid system and innate immunity influence whole-body lipid metabolism: investigation of the molecular mechanisms in the context of obesity.”
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