Public defence of Mr Nicolas DELINTE (LLN)
ions | Bruxelles Woluwe, Louvain-la-Neuve
Évènement associé
Public defence of Mr Nicolas DELINTE (LLN)
16 Sep
The IoNS and the ICTEAM Division are pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Nicolas DELINTE entitled “White matter microstructure estimation and visualization in neuropathological brains via diffusion MRI”,
in order to obtain the qualification of Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie.
This event will take place on Monday September, 16th at 5:00 PM
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Public defence of Mr Nicolas DELINTE (LLN)
16 Sep
The IoNS and the ICTEAM Division are pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Nicolas DELINTE entitled “White matter microstructure estimation and visualization in neuropathological brains via diffusion MRI”,
in order to obtain the qualification of Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie.
This event will take place on Monday September, 16th at 5:00 PM