Dear colleagues,
Please save the date for the upcoming GDR 2025 Vision Forum.
GDR Vision Forum is a scientific event dedicated to vision sciences. It brings together psychophysicists, psychologists, neuroscientists and modellers to explore a variety of themes ranging from the perception of visual attributes (such as colour and movement) to decision-making processes, including multisensory integration and spatial representation.
The forum will take place on January 30-31 2025 at the Faculty of Psychology, Louvain-la-Neuve.
You will find more information and links to registration here: GDR2025 Vision Forum | UCLouvain
Looking forward to seeing you at GDR!
Valerie Goffaux
On behalf of the scientific committee
Scientific committee
Michael Andres*, Virginie Crollen*, Christel Devue^, Laurie Geers*, Valerie Goffaux*, Nicolas Masson*, Hans Op de Beeck#, Gilles Vannuscorps*
*UCLouvain ; ^ULiège ; #KULeuven