Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology
À propos

  The Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology brings together more than 150 research staff working in the field of biology and using molecular and cellular tools.  The general objective is to create an environment favorable to high profile research activities.  More specific aims are as follows : to promote high quality basic research in the life sciences to promote applied projects that emerge from basic research to attract young talented researchers and help them develop a successful team to favor the transfer of know-how to favor the s About


The LIBST aims at understanding and applying biological mechanisms related to developmental, physiological and pathological processes in animals, plants and microorganisms using molecular and cellular approaches.


Discovering a superpower of our cells

In their environment, cells must cope with mechanical stresses constantly. Among these, nanoscale deformations of plasma membrane induced by...
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Since January, the FoodWal portfolio* has been launched in Wallonia, thanks to a four-year subsidy from the Public Service of Wallonia (Economy,...
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UCLouvain brewing unit is proud to present the new...

At the beginning of 2023, the UCLouvain brewing unit (LIBST - INBr) is proud to present the new brewing and bottling line that will be available...
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