Core Curriculum for the Master's degree programme (60) in computer scienceSpecialised courses in computer scienceThe student chooses 3 courses from:LINFO2132 Languages and translatorsLINFO2255 Software engineering projectLINFO2172 DatabasesElective courses (24 credits)The student completes his program with optional disciplinary courses in the master's 120 program in computer science with the agreement of the program committee. Students' attention is drawn to the following two courses:
LINFO2402 Open Source ProjectInterdisciplinary courses in the humanities and social sciencesLEPL2211 Business issues introductionMaster Thesis (15 credits)LINFO2991 Graduation project/End of studies projectThe graduation project can be written and presented in French or English, in consultation with the supervisor. It may be accessible to exchange students by prior agreement between the supervisors and/or the two universities.
q1+q2 15 credits
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Courses for students coming from a short bachelor.These students will have to take at least 105 credits to obtain the master in computer science.LINFO1114 Discrete MathematicsCours alternatifs Probabilités et statistiquesThe student chooses a course from:
LBIR1212 Probabilities and statistics (I)LSINC1211 Probability and StatisticsFR
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
Cours alternatifs Intelligence artificielleThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1361 Artificial intelligenceLSINC1361 Artificial intelligenceFR
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
Cours alternatifs Systèmes informatiquesThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1252 Informatic SystemsLSINC1252 Informaticals SystemsCours alternatifs Réseaux informatiquesThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1341 Computer networksLSINC1341 Computer networksFR
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
Cours alternatifs Algorithmique et structures de donnéesThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1121 Algorithms and data structuresLSINC1121 Algorithms and data structureFR
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
Cours alternatifs Concepts des langages de programmationThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1104 Programming language conceptsLSINC1104 Programming Paradigms and ConcurrencyLEPL1509 Project 4 (in informatics)Cours alternatifs Calculabilité, logique et complexitéThe student chooses a course from:
LINFO1123 Calculability, Logic and ComplexityLSINC1123 Calculability, Logic and Complexity